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  1. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug Ford's wife, Karla's family history A Marko family web site says the Marko family were: "Carpatho-Rusyns (also known as Rusyns or Ruthenians). Like most Rusyns, they were Greek Catholics." Wikipedia gives the ethnic make up of the Bukovina region as...
  2. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Huffington Post
  3. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Truth Mashup: Canada's Weekly Comedic News Show on TYT 10 Reasons to Vote for Doug Ford a funny satire:
  4. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Tory donating to Ford Campaign in 2010. Tory is the suave sophisticated face of many the same things the Fords stand for. But as Rob Ford taught us, with a good council, what the mayor wants is not a shoe-in. I haven't given up hope that Chow can rally. Call me an optimist.
  5. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Surprise: Doug Ford Lied on Metro Morning! Campaign lie detector: Doug Ford says nine inaccurate things on CBC’s Metro Morning
  6. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    John Tories and the developers. Why would the developers bother donating to Doug Ford when, if elected, John Tory will give them every thing they wish for: more office towers for non-existent tenants, more condos that no one can afford.
  7. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ari a better debator than Doug Ford That may not be boring, they are both bright articulate people, which is a change from the spittle-throwing debates with the Thug, who is about to be on CBC's Metro Morning. Time to change the station.......
  8. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anti Semetism Makes me want to change my avatar name from Kelly. To be anyway associated with such hatred is horifiying. (And I'm half Jewish)
  9. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A bad liver probably doesn't help too.
  10. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Very perceptive, as usual Zang.
  11. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well Said! Exactly. I hope they listen to Jeffifer Hollett. That's the only way to deal with bullies. To stand up to them.
  12. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Spadina Bus Blues. Even if Underhill is out of the race, it would be better to vote for a Saxist, than a Sexist. Any horn players left in the race? We have one who blows his own horn, but he's only running for council now and trolling for votes on St Clair. and like his brother, he's...
  13. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Too Bad! I'm sorry about that.
  14. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Chow Voters Diametrically opposed to Ford Camp Yes, if for some reason Chow pulled out, I would vote for Richard Underhill: The Saxist), NOT The Sexist.
  15. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Fords: Doug is more like Benito Mussolini
  16. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Polls with widely varied results. Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics? Or: Garbage in, Garbage Out.
  17. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Perfect Chaos Theory: Toronto Politics. Brian Gable cartoon in Saturday September 27, 2014
  18. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bad food, bad company. Lowered Inteligence. I wouldn't eat their food, look what it did to Rob! And that sort of food doesn't seem to feed mental acuity, or N O * O N E would have wasted their time going to hear lies, spin and subterfuge. (Although a stead media diet of anything FORD...
  19. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Education system made for another century. Here's a great animated talk about why the education system, designed for the age of enlightenment, does poorly in the age of multi-platform learning.
  20. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Marcus Gee in the Globe and Mail Yes, Marcus Gee expresses the same sentiment in the Globe and Mail today: The Ford campaign says that Mr. Ford “is committed to running...
