News   Jul 26, 2024
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News   Jul 26, 2024
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News   Jul 26, 2024
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  1. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He's a fairly successful businessman, like Doug.
  2. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It can't help. Why? Is there one?
  3. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Even Doug seemed like he couldn't believe the crap he was spewing today. I think that dude who got up in his business rattled him. It's not hard and I hope to see more of it.
  4. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Did anyone else catch Doug's passer this a.m? Just an amazing debacle. He was trying to make a point about smart track by walking the press from one location to another to demonstrate the distance people would have to travel in the winter. The press dutifully followed him. Cynthia Mulligan...
  5. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have no doubt Diane has been working on some kind of mutant human Ford centipede in the basement.
  6. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Probably a burner.
  7. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bonus, apparently Neil Flagg is mentioned in the FOI documents.
  8. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Did anyone catch Doug's admission to campaigning during city time on CBC this morning? Durinh his rambling answer to explain his absence he said "Was I there for every vote on extending lunch hours or stop signs? No, I was out campaigning. Talking to people."
  9. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well now, that's exciting.
  10. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But that's because there are 38 councilors with their hands in the cookie jar sucking off the public teat and giving money hand over fist to special interest groups who are somehow elitist and the one percent and also on welfare and in a union.
  11. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've only seen Tory signs here on Roncesvalles. Granted that was at 6 a.m when I was walking my dog.
  12. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That was me and yep, she is definitely from Florida and has lived here for three years or so.
  13. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bonnie is a proud member of the IHTWOMRF facebook and recent immigrant from Florida.
  14. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It appears to be out, no? Or is it something else?
  15. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    They may also have nothing but think letting people speculate will be damaging enough. Doug has certainly implied improprieties about people in the past that were baseless.
  16. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Apologies. Mods please delete.
  17. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The one with the bunny asking "You Better Yet?" is a nice touch.
  18. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And she's taken the photo down it seems.
  19. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "I'm sorry, there's actually been a tragic accident so this may not be the best time for a photo." But nope. He's still a dick.
