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  1. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Rob talks about 'doing another smash' in the bathroom. "smash" is drug slang for injecting drugs. He did mention heroin on the phone to Towhey. So he's shooting up heroin? Coke? Speedballs? Or is he (Rob) talking out of his ass?
  2. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But two average Joe's who are in love with each other is completely immoral, right? *eye roll*
  3. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I lost some respect for the media that day when Ford was yelling at them to get off his property. Yes, there was a scandal. Yes, he wasn't answering questions. But his property is his property. That one guy with the camera that Ford directly yelled at, calling him "partner". What a dick. Just...
  4. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Are we sure that Rob Ford even knows where his office is? Maybe it's been vacant for months now, hence the signs being there still. One wonders if you enter that office will we find dust everywhere, mouse poop all over the floor, old faded copies of the Sun scattered about, maybe even Graeme...
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder if there's some bad blood between them two still. I remember a tweet from Kouvalis that said the reason he left City Hall was because of Rob and his substance abuse and the reason he didn't come back was because of Doug.
  6. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I would imagine the media are glad to not be spending their days hanging around Ford's office waiting for him to arrive and leave without a word.
  7. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Sun always has the dumbest front pages and yet the person doing the photoshopping is clearly good at it. I wonder where they find their photos. Do they photograph their staff doing silly things and then superimpose other people's faces on them? Whose bodies are those?
  8. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is interesting: Without saying too much and without saying what I've seen (don't want to get into trouble), but this photo CBC is using sure looks like a screencap from a...
  9. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The media's obsession with what Ford is wearing is annoying me. Mammoliti isn't wearing a suit today. But, of course, Don Peat and others aren't tweeting about that.
  10. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    320 Dixon aren't rentals. Here's one listing for an apartment there: Unless it's a mixed building?
  11. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    First thing that came to mind is the go kart track at Centennial Park. edit: looks like the logo on the guy's shirt matches the logo for the go kart at the park: (sort of)
  12. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There were a couple of times during Lisi's court appearances where in the hallway he was sitting on the bench looking at his phone and I was sitting directly across from him. Just the two of us. I couldn't help but wonder if he was checking UT.
  13. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I get what you're saying, but, the latest story that CBC's Evan Solomon has been fired because of his shady art dealings is TOTALLY connected to the Fords, right?? Most likely involving Doug "I love art" Ford! (I'm kidding :p)
  14. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Elena Basso was one of them.
  15. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So the 19 arrested yesterday are members of 'Ndrangheta...
  16. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm sure Mammoliti is honoured to have his name on the cover as well.
  17. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Towhey tweeted the cover for his book: Also, someone tweeted him to say that the founder of Deco, Ted Herriott, passed away a couple of days ago.
  18. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perhaps Price thought it was a headlock that Ford was doing on Towhey but it was actually a well executed Brutus The Beefcake sleeper hold.
  19. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not yet. He had a brief court date this morning and was told to come back July 20.
  20. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And how many reporters asked Ford if he thinks he'll be healthy enough to testify at Lisi's trial? Let me guess, zero? That's what I thought.
