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  1. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    a man who literally could not get arrested if he tried.
  2. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    now that you mention it, there's something rather telling in all that: busted in florida, busted in BC, but never once in toronto.
  3. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    i'm sure this will get worse before it gets better. rob will absolutely not condemn the assault/slurs. if anything, he'll stoke the sense of victimhood and righteous indignation among his base. doug will blithely insist that 'everyone had a good time' and rob might say that a few bad apples...
  4. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    bingo - a lot of people with a serious victim complex who are convinced that it's just "the media picking on him."
  5. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    karen stintz apparently just showed up at ford fest. i'm damned if i understand that woman, but it's looking more and more like the election strategy predictions made here might be panning out.
  6. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    at noon on a weekday? why are we paying for him to campaign? if he wants to do promo work with his campaign team, he can do it evenings and weekends.
  7. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    in other news, it's just been reported that ford just left city hall with his campaign staff in tow to go tour a TCHC building in scarborough. so again, quite blatantly campaigning on city with city resources. his campaign spokesman has literally no business touring housing with during working...
  8. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    i share the concerns about the LGBT demonstration at ford fest tonight. things were already pretty heated at the last debate - i hope everyone stays safe.
  9. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    so, any ideas what folks like donovan and doolittle have been up to lately?
  10. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    bingo. and it cuts the legs out from under everyone who says that mike is his own man, and deserves a chance to be heard on his own merits.
  11. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    oh, me too - we're in agreement here! i understand that the people issuing the permit are just civil servants doing their job, but i wonder if they're considering how many people will see their decision and just say "screw it - there's a clear double-standard and the rules don't apply to some...
  12. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    wow - so disappointing. i hope that they're giving some thought about the impact that this has on democracy, civil society, and peoples' sense of engagement with their city. because they're really just looking right at you, shrugging their shoulders, and saying "meh."
  13. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    did we ever clarify whether sobriety coach was gone or not? i thought there were conflicting reports for rob and doug on this. good lord, toronto: be more of a circus.
  14. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    on the mike ford front, i'm torn. as a human being, i don't see that it's right to be needlessly cruel to the the guy. i want to give him a fair shake to say his 2 cents worth and compete in the marketplace of ideas like everyone else. but then, we're talking about a job that starts at $105...
  15. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    oh dear. on the plus, it could suggest a handful of guys copped pleas and agreed to testify. on the minus, it looks like more evidence of horribly hamfisted work by TPS on this file: four people arrested, held for a year, and then released with no charges? really, really hope we get...
  16. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    spot on, and this jives with my experiences in academia too. i think you'd also agree, though, that those 2nd-year students who are already leadership material are also people we've heard of already. they're easily tracked down online because they've won scholarships and awards, had...
  17. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    let me also say, he's a halfway through a business program at humber. that's not a competitive school, and not a useful program. the city's not a business - there's relatively little need for 'businessmen' at city hall. if he was halfway through a really competitive program in law, political...
  18. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    agreed - my feeling is that there's a not-too-small part of Rob that wants to be caught. the moment when he confessed to the journalists at city hall was worth a thousand psychology textbooks. Doug was away, his staff were away, and Rob was flying solo. He literally looked at Proskow and...
  19. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    dang - sad but not surprising. the man's obviously got a rock-solid constitution, but i don't think he's smart enough to go on being a user for too long. keith richards - bless his heart - was notorious for only buying top-quality gear, and using fresh kit every time. he also had a team of...
  20. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    so, Jimmi - anything new or exciting to share with us? Any predictions on how long Rob will last?
