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  1. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    i'm going to go ahead and speculate that, yes: related.
  2. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Definitely. On the other hand, why bother? Her support is in the single digits - she's clearly not a threat to anyone in the race, and Stintz's soft support would go Tory (small-C conservative) or Chow (want a woman in the top job) long before Ford.
  3. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    [wild speculation] so, rob just offered to pay her campaign expenses if she drops out? or offered her a nice plush 'cabinet'-type post if she gives him her support? [/wild speculation]
  4. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Care to offer us any guesses, Jimmi?
  5. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, even if every single protester (shirtless or otherwise) was a convicted murderer, it wouldn't make their arguments against Ford any less true. I think my main problem with Sue-Ann Levy is that she's just so boring. she doesn't have any particular ideas, really - she likes to think she's...
  6. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah. Lisi and McRobb carpooling and making pick-ups/drop-offs between Toronto and Muskoka? How does that not set off every red flag in town? One of the big problems with Brazen 2 is that the required payoff in the eyes of so many people is getting bigger and bigger. It looks like the TPS...
  7. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just ONCE I'd like to see that man accept meaningful adult responsibility for something.
  8. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anyone else upset that council applauded? This is the kind of prim and proper crap I hate most about council. Press Ford hard, and refuse to accept unclear/BS, and then remind everyone that he wasted 6 hours of the city's (taxpayers'!) time because he refused to man up and eat his brussel...
  9. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Spot on. They do terribly under pressure, and I agree that it's never been higher. I'm sensing a growing groundswell that suggests that the pressure won't be letting up, either. It'll be a wild ride to October as they lash out more and more desperately. Sadly, I think it's going to be ugly...
  10. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    the tension's really ratcheting up dramatically, and it's only wednesday. i wonder if rob and/or doug will snap in some kind of completely disastrous way soon. . .
  11. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yep. I'm not optimistic, but will allow the hope that they're still busy combing through piles and piles of data and it's going to take them a while to build an airtight case.
  12. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, it's pretty easy to get a picture of Joe as the puppy dog who runs along on fishing derbies and soccer games. Wearing his hat and taking himself really seriously, too. I'm guessing most thoughtful people in the city consider him at least a bit of a joke as a journalist, including all the...
  13. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can't tell if Blair's just trying to brush Warmington off (which wouldn't be surprising) or if this is a gentle warning that Brazen 2 is dead. Man, I really hope the police come up with something solid.
  14. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    yep. something along the lines of "take your phony apology and shove it" would be nice. and a little, "grow up and grow a pair while you're at it" would be good too. but then that's just red meat for the UT crowd. if she really wanted to be tactical about it, she'd attack rob where he...
  15. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    this. doug and dianne can have a free pass, as far as i'm concerned, and wander into rob's office any time they like. but silverstein has literally no function at city hall. he's not a city employee. his only function is on the ford campaign, so if they need to meet they can meet at the...
  16. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    jesus, entire pysch textbooks could be written about the dianne/rob relationship. . .that 2013 story throws up so many red flags. the simultaneous emasculation of rob to his face ("what i expect of rob?" he's 40 for christ's sake!) and defense of him from the outside ("he's attacked! it's not...
  17. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    it's not a crazy idea. i mean, this family has been trying for ages to convince everyone (themselves included) that rob's biggest problem is his weight. it's not hard to imagine them daydreaming of a rocky-esque training sequence that ends with a welterweight rob coming back triumphant.
  18. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    what's the function downstairs?
  19. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    anyone taking wagers on what it's going to be? we know that dianne is the family's go-to speechwriter when the shit hits the fan. . .
  20. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    so again, and just for the record, jerry's handling his dry cleaning and rob's using the mayor's office for campaign strategy meetings on weekends? please tell me someone's filing a grievance on this.
