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  1. A

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    I am aware that Lake Ontario used to begin at Front St...which is why we are one of the only cities in this continent that had a tonne of land to expand upon within Downtown itself...its no coincidence...Its also why Gardiner was able to be built while every other project save for DVP got...
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    Adding Subway Stations on Existing Lines

    I was reading this article on the Toronto Star Location...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Yes an 8 Lane freeway that was built through a planned suburban community and demolished zero homes destroyed the fabric of the city but a 4+ Track Train Corridor (Eg. Lakeshore/Georgetown Lines) that rips right through formerly established neighbourhoods (and makes a lot of noise) was...
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    GO Transit: Service thread (including extensions)

    Yes but unlike those 2 lines the Barrie Line is entirely owned by Metrolinx. So implementing it would be a lot easier...
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    GO Transit: Service thread (including extensions)

    Barrie Line Getting Extra Trips in Fall GO Transit is launching more service on its Barrie train line starting in September, Ontario Transportation Minister Kathleen Wynne announced...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    I have to completely agree there. Nowhere in the entire system can a mere $1.3B make a drastic difference. It would transform Sheppard from a shuttle line into a connector between two subways. Suddenly it has a proper use, even if it is relatively short...and initially low on ridership A) The...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    My thoughts exactly! If a Rob Ford Subway is to materialize, it definitely would have to be a phased approach. Phase 1 can begin asap from Don Mills to Victoria Park as the EA is already complete. Then once the development (in the rendering) is approaching sell out status, the subway can then...
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    Eglinton LRT- Skytrain Beams Vs. Median Right-of-Way

    I just hope that when EA studies are once again commenced, Metrolinx realizes that elevating the line from Leslie to Victoria Park would have almost no impact to future development (in my opinion) and yet save approx a billion in costs as a result. They can then figure out if its best to extend...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Globe and Mail Article: Tough love must drive transit development Finally someone questions the $300 million/km figure and asks why a cheaper model...
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    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Well that is certainly interesting to know but yes my figure was meant to describe the overall cost. Cut & Cover tunnels or TBM + compact 4-car train stations + everything else... Also I think the bigger picture needs to be looked at...while TBM tunneling 'might' be the same or slightly...
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    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Maybe, but remember...Intersections are screwed no matter what because you need to build stations. Don't get me wrong, disruptions will remain but it will not be in the magnitude of the Yonge subway or Cambie St in Vancouver. All construction will take place within city ROW and maintaining 4...
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    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    That is exactly what i meant. Yes. Sheppard is so wide that you can realistically have an 8 lane boulevard on that theory. This is something that cannot be done anywhere in downtown or midtown (Eglinton-Crosstown) Therefore if the ROW for road space is double what exists, all it...
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    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    So my next question then is...since tunnel boring machines have a difficult time navigating through Toronto's terrain, is there a large difference in costs between a shallow cut & cover setup vs TBM? Based on your explanation, thats the idea i am getting here... Is there any cost figures out...
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    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    So does this mean that Southern Ontario is more difficult than say? Greater Vancouver Region? Because i was always under the impression that the Vancouver region was very difficult to tunnel in...thus the reason for all its elevated transit routes (except the Canada Line) Secondly, if...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    +1 Makes perfect sense really. They can also reconfigure the VIVA Green Line to operate from a new Warden station right up to the new Markham Downtown. If Metrolinx is serious about regional integration, they can make VIVA Green a route that TTC Riders can use as their express service so that...
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    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Well the first point is possible but the second one...i doubt it...Calgary/Edmonton are way way colder than Toronto, i don't think that should be a problem at all Light Rail is excellent but Toronto's flavour of light rail isn't
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    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    How much savings would there be if the Eglinton-Crosstown went on ground level (South Side of Eglinton) from the original Eastern Portal (After Laird) then below ground for Don Mills till past DVP, this time ascending in the middle lanes west of the Wynford Dr interchange (for which there should...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    I can agree to that for the time being. Sheppard Ave is only 2 Lanes from Pharmacy onwards, quite simply build a terminal at Victoria Park that has ramps/portals that ascend onto street level around Pharmacy then have new HOV or Bus Only Curb lanes along Sheppard from Pharmacy all the way to...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Well obviously if it costs more than don't do it but i am 99% sure it is cheaper to do cut-and-cover because it is closer to the surface and results in cheaper station costs. No need for a mezzanine and a fare booth and all the fancy stuff. Simply stations with POP system, side platforms with...
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    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    I don't understand what the problem here is? I rode the entire line and i don't see what is so bad about it? Platforms are not Mega Toronto size! True...but really, i think we are the only city with such large platforms... If you have an automated-grade seperated-system that can run trains at...
