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  1. animatronic

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Where do you see ads? With adblockers and a PVR they don't really exist any more.
  2. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    “Council’s inability to accept the will of the people has resulted in them sabotaging the electoral process in order so save their own jobs. As their interference has made an election impossible we are forced to protect real, hard-working torontonians by appointing a special supervisor to manage...
  3. animatronic

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Running your dad’s label company into the ground while you party in Monaco - that’s trench work. The reality in today’s climate is political experience matters far less than your name brand. Ford,’Trump, Trudeau, Mulroney, Morneau etc... Even a Nunziata kid is running for trustee on the back...
  4. animatronic

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Gio Mammoliti for Reeve of Toronto! Remember when Harris used to dismiss school boards who refused to run a balanced budget? He could suspend council and appoint a city supervisor, wrapped up with a big s.33 bow on top.
  5. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Ford is an unprincipled half-wit with a rich tapestry of daddy issues and a gilded grudge against everyone who was ever mean to him. Everything is viewed through this lens. He doesn’t see hypocrisy because all of those issues are compartmentalized. That’s why a devoted family man is getting...
  6. animatronic

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    No he can't dissolve parliament. If R&D is used then the bill doesn't become a law. If it isn't a law the public service can't execute against it.
  7. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    And critically, the PQ campaigned on and had a mandate to protect language. They imemented the clause transparently and they followed some semblance of logic.
  8. animatronic

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    The beauty of Trudeau using R&D is that it completely follows Doug's logic for s.33. R&D on the books, it's a legitimate federal power and it would be enacted by elected politicians. The use would be almost unthinkable, but maybe the PM decides they need to stamp it out now before suspension of...
  9. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    She has the absolute right to privately counsel/warn/recommend anything she wants to the premier. He has the absolute right to follow or ignore the advice. "With the advice of" is legalese for "the LG cannot exercise personal discretion". As long as the premier hasn't lost a confidence vote...
  10. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    So much confusion - almost like our fundamental rights are being denied.
  11. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    In that case it would have to be a "soft power" counselling session. The LG could ask the premier to reconvene parliament and take a confidence vote, but if he refuses she'd have little recourse. As for the legality/appropriateness of Bill 5, that's really not up to her to decide. Her job is to...
  12. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Unfortunately you are misreading her reserve ("actual") powers. Her only discretionary areas are to pick a premier in a minority situation, or to deal with a few edge cases like Harper's prorogation. If she doesn't think a law is constitutional, her only options are to sign or resign. Otherwise...
  13. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    This invented crisis serves a few roles: Stick it to Toronto politicians Stick it to Toronto voters Feed red meat to the base (judicial activism) Fundraise (fight judicial activism) Solidify control over his cabinet Loyalty check on the caucus The last two are the important ones. Any Tory MPP...
  14. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    She won't. That's not her job. If he has the support of the house she has no latitude to exercise reserve powers.
  15. animatronic

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    One-line: true free vote, gov't has no official position Two-line: gov't has a position, cabinet must follow leader but everyone else is free Three-line: confidence vote. Vote as ordered or get expelled from caucus Most "free votes" are two-line
  16. animatronic

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    He didn't say if it's a one-line whip or a two-line whip (and I'm certain he doesn't know the difference). Even if it's officially a one-line, his cabinet knows this is a loyalty test and will vote accordingly.
  17. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    But we already have precedent that letters aren't enough. In 2008 the opposition parties with a collective majority sent GG Jean a letter saying they would form a government after defeating the PCs on a non-confidence vote, and she still allowed Harper to prorogue parliament. Her (sound)...
  18. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    That's a big stretch. Parliament and the Courts are the appropriate checks on the prime minister - not the Crown. If a premier has the support of the legislature, it's not the LG's place to interfere.
  19. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    R&D is dead letter, and even then it's not an effective check. The province can just keep passing the same legislation until the LG gives up blocking it.
  20. animatronic

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    An LG dismissing a majority parliament would literally be unprecedented in Canadian history. It just could not happen - the LG is bound to follow the Premier's advice until such time as they lose a confidence vote. Even Reservation & Disallowance is a dead-letter power. Judicial is the...
