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  1. Tacoma

    Save Our Libraries!

    Many discussions in this thread talks about the pros and cons of a public library system but getting rid of the public library isn't the issue at hand. I live where there's a library within 10 minutes walk, another within 20 walk and a third within 25 min walk. It wouldn't be a devastation to...
  2. Tacoma

    Who Will Challenge Rob Ford?

    I live in the Ward that Shelley Carroll presides and, IMHO, she is a career politician mostly concerned with her career. We had issues on our street that required her attention but she had more imporatnt things to do than to deal with the petty issues of her constituents. Shelley didn't run...
  3. Tacoma

    Best Burger

    Hardly. I frequent Chowhound and reviews on BP are mixed and recent reviews have not been good.
  4. Tacoma

    LCBO / The Beer Store

    But it won't change as publc opinion support the status quo. The "social responsibility" angle is a cover for the real reason: increased revenue for the government.
  5. Tacoma

    Illogical Toronto haters

    OK, I stand corrected. This guy's a hater! Instead of laughing, please elaborate? My thoughts, very briefly: A Washington study issued last September looked at tax burdens of several US jurisdictions including NYC. For a hypothetical family of 3 with a combined income of $150K living...
  6. Tacoma

    Restaurant Comings & Goings

    Scarpetta to open in the new Thompson Toronto hotel on Wellington St. W. late in May. Star article link here.
  7. Tacoma

    Illogical Toronto haters

    Where's the hate here? I only see someone who's opinion that you disagree with but his arguments are, IMHO, far from insane. In its own context, I cannot disagree that more and more people in Toronto are living in condos these days, that Toronto is an expensive place to live, and some people...
  8. Tacoma

    Minorities to be majorities in two CAD cities by 2031, Statistics Canada projects

    Now you're just proving my point. There are over 50 different ethnicities in China and some closer to Korean or (as you say) Vietnamese as they are other Chinese. The earliest known Korean state was Old Choson in what is now northwestern Korea and southern Northeast China and Han Chinese ruled...
  9. Tacoma

    Minorities to be majorities in two CAD cities by 2031, Statistics Canada projects

    This was in the Toronto Star. If you read it more closely, it says that whites will be a minority (<50%) by 2017, not 2031. And the delineation of visible minorities is confusing as they group all South Asians together but Chinese and Filipinos are separated from their East and Southeast Asian...
  10. Tacoma

    OpenStreetMap: Hey let's map this place!

    I'm in agreement with oreoshack. And if anyone can edit it, how do you know it's accurate? Right now, Google with StreetView is king!
  11. Tacoma

    Canadian patriotism... Or lack of...

    I guess they some here to escape tyranny, communism, war, poverty, or to have freedom or simply for greater opportunites here for themselves and/or their kids (in fact, some might not even be here if not for the kids). I'm not sure many came because of their love of Canadian culture. And if...
  12. Tacoma

    TTC: Customer Service

    So let me get this straight... you praise the TTC for your experience on this single trip but yet on this single trip, you experienced a major stoppage requiring shuttle buses near Woodbine Stataion going and then experience another stoppage coming back at St. George & Pape requiring you to...
  13. Tacoma

    Vancouver Olympics

    Not about the Canadian team but was just watching figure skating with the wife and it's interesting to note that the just crowned Olymipic Champion Kim Yu-na from Korea actually trained in our backyard at the Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club since 2006. She's the best know athlete in...
  14. Tacoma

    Automobiles that are "MADE IN CANADA" and were only sold there also...

    A little off topic but only in Canada (when we're not talking about NAFTA) do we call the the Big 3 North Amercan. In the US, they rightly call them American car companies. And even in America, it's not so clear as indicated by's 2009 list of the most American-made cars taking into...
  15. Tacoma

    forgot to claim first 6o day RRSP deduction in 2009 on 2008 tax return - now what ?

    I'm not sure if you can do a T1 adjustment request in UFILE but if you can't, you can download a T1-ADJ from the CRA website. How you handle this depends on your taxable income and the amount of RRSP deduction. Generally, if your income and contributions are similar in both years and the...
  16. Tacoma

    Should Adam Giambrone Resign as Chair of the TTC?

    Agree completely. Service levels have not improved and, in some cases, have declined from where I'm standing with longer waits for buses and trains and the subway delays are almost a daily occurance these days whenever I'm on the subway. I remember reading a poster on the subway that showed a...
  17. Tacoma

    If the TTC works to rule I will be...

    Don't buy this excuse at all. This is kids stuff, immature to act with disregard just because your mom or boss isn't there to watch over you. The bus driver or ticket taker is also likely to be paid 2 or 3 times or more your McDonald's cashier or bank teller, so they should be held to higher...
  18. Tacoma

    If the TTC works to rule I will be...

    Wow... I was meaning to stay out of this fray, but, with all due respect, this is ridiculous on many fronts. McDonalds cashiers are NOT being paid or are trained to provide good service. They are mostly kids being paid close to minimum wage to dispense food and collect cash as quickly and...
  19. Tacoma

    Toronto non-mall retail (Odds & Ends)

    The March 2010 issue of Toronto Life has an article on Shoppers Drug Mart where it says it's now more than just a drug store, with aggressive plans to grow square footage space by 10% a year in a 5-year plan and the Queen & Beverley location (where Caban used to be) will be prototypical of...
  20. Tacoma

    TTC: Customer Service

    You bring up a good point. It's not uncommon for corporate executives to receive golden parachutes when they're forced to resign even if it's due to bad performance. Robert Nardelli, for example, was CEO of Home Depot whose share price plummeted before he was ousted by the Board for bad...
