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  1. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    This data actually confirms that most of the 113km is parks, beaches or bluffs which is parks. How much of the waterfront is entertainment area with things to do? Not a lot actually a bit in the downtown portion around York Quay and and some around the Polson pier and the Jarvis -Sherbourne...
  2. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I agree with the premise that TTC shouldn’t be run as a business. I’m not advocating for that. What I’m saying is perhaps we over corrected and keep subsidizing people on TTC who do not need it. Professionals like me can easily pay more for riding. Same with seniors who are not on GIS. The...
  3. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    It’s not about screwing over TTC riders. It’s called paying for things we want. The city needs to raise revenue big time. It had a massive deficit and its borrowing from the future to pay for present operating expenses. That is awful and needs to be resolved. It’s why we need to elect an adult...
  4. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Of course they are. They are private businesses. However, it doesn’t make them evil. The government can give them low cost or free land in exchange they need to build truly affordable housing for let’s say those that work for minimum wage. Basic apartments with no frills - some condos and some...
  5. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I don’t mind advertising on transit but in the past it hasn’t brought in substantial revenue. I think it’s high time to consider the revenue model of the TTC. Perhaps it’s time to raise fares higher, remove some of the discounts for seniors for example - or make them only available during the...
  6. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Developers are not our enemies and we need them to build the scale of housing needed in this city. So instead of railing against developers we should look how to make the available site work best for the city and the expanded community.
  7. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Sure you can get Habitat for Humanity involved but they can’t build apartment buildings last time I checked. If the land is sold and Ford can get developers to build a mix of market and affordable housing and say a new school and or community centre (perhaps a reuse of the OSC) it will be a win...
  8. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    On the topic of the election. I got a flyer from Ana Bailao, it’s full of platitudes and not a single concrete promise or action except to have the province upload the DVP/Gardiner, which is highly unrealistic. It’s sad to see politicians who want votes target the low information voter that...
  9. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    That’s preposterous. The West Island is an abandoned area and unkempt. Sure the land is public but is is accessible? No. It’s mostly the unkempt shoreline path that is usable and the bathroom. That’s it. So yes while I agree that Therme Spa isn’t ideal use of space and the plan isn't perfect...
  10. lead82

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I agree. The Ontario Place and Science Centre moves are non issues and shouldn’t affect Mayor outcome. In my opinion, the OSC move to Ontario place is Fords justification of keeping the pods and cinesphere. I hope they don’t demolish OSC and instead use it as a community centre for the new...
  11. lead82

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)

    In my opinion the hybdrid option was the best option that was presented. The tunnel was a non starter. Unless the city was bold enough to tear down the entire Gardiner and just widen Lakeshore, having a disconnect for the short stretch between Jarvis and DVP would not be worth the traffic mess...
  12. lead82

    TTC: Other Items (catch all)

    People are sling this because our Justice system is a joke. We can’t even deal with run of the mill traffic tickets much less violent crimes. There is no disincentive for crime as law and order are no longer followed.
  13. lead82

    Ontario Science Centre

    Does anyone know what exactly is wrong with the bridge?
  14. lead82

    Return to office discussion

    The solution is quite simple - both need to be viable options. There are times when an office day or days makes sense - team planning, 1:1 meetings, Townhalls, or training are all best done in person. Even some collaboration work is most efficient when everyone is in the same room or floor. It’s...
  15. lead82

    Toronto St Clair-Old Weston GO Station | 9.13m | 1s | City of Toronto | Hatch

    That would be a great solution but cost mucho mucho dollars!
  16. lead82

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    Is the Princess of Wales theatre also being demolished or is that not part of the development?
  17. lead82

    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    A capacity upgrade is certainly a good reason to build transit. However, I agree that for local needs. I’m not sure an LRT makes sense where a BRT or just faster and frequent service would do just as well. Often in Toronton it feels like we build rail lines to make a point or subsidize...
  18. lead82

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Fair point. You pay a higher mil rate included in your rent yes but on absolute amounts. Toronto should align it and I think they have for new builds. Take a look at this city website...
  19. lead82

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Ok it looks like Toronto has the lowest mil rate which would make sense as we are the densest in the region and have the most scale. However as Toronto’s land value is higher the actual amount paid is higher than the other regions. Also keep in mind Toronto separates water and garbage as a...
