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  1. U

    2011 Federal Election Result Predictions

    There was a bit of an Ontario-Quebec centric comment made that the Tories had peaked in the two provinces and because of that a majority was out of reach. I disagree strongly on two points... 1. There are several ridings in Ontario and Quebec that are not currently held by the Tories that...
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    Bay Street

    I'm sure there are others, but I'd offer Montreal. Bookended by Atwater on the West and Berri on the East, Sherbrooke, De Maisoneuve, Ste-Catherine, and Rene Levesque are all quite different. Sherbrooke and Ste. Caths are the densest in terms of development with a few underdeveloped lots still...
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    Greatest PM ever?? Worst Ever??? Most influential /well known??

    Actually that was/is one of the GST's strengths. It replaced the hidden and tough to administer manufacturers sales tax with a visible point of sale model. A visible tax is difficult to raise, the opposite is true with an integrated or hidden tax... have I missed something in your post?
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    Election 2009

    ^ Why? Harper did not make any deals with the NDP or the Bloc to keep the 40th Parliament going. I'm sure if you asked most members of the Conservative caucus, based on recent polls, their party finances, and their organization they are not scared of an election one bit. What it boils down...
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    Greatest PM ever?? Worst Ever??? Most influential /well known??

    Glad to see someone acknowledged Mulroney's leadership role in the Commonwealth to fight apartheid. He was pivotal in getting sanctions imposed against the SA government. Overlooked was the extraordinary work he did on concluding the Acid Rain Treaty with the US. It was his force of...
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    Globe: Cost of Parliament Hill renovations climbs past $1-billion

    Perfect opportunity for me to invoke the ghost of Plato... "the price people pay for staying out of politics is to be governed by people worse then themselves."
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    New day, new political scandal

    Every party has their procedural experts. How would a party run without that skillset? But to imply that Tory party is full of staffers who fall asleep at night while reading Marleau and Monpetit and can recite it verse for verse is ludacrious. There are a few exceptional experts in the...
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    Pride Week, MP under fire after Tory outcry

    "Tory Outcry" is a bit of a stretch. Four MPs spoke up and complained about the funding for Pride during National Caucus on the 26th... FOUR. Out of a caucus of 181. When Bev Dejarlais broke ranks with 26 other NDP MPs and refused to vote for same sex marriage in 2005 I don't recall any...
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    New day, new political scandal

    I don't think this meets the test of a scandal... but regardless, others have survived worse. Think Jean Charest who was punted as a Minister of Sport for the transgression of calling a judge and intervening in a legal matter. He's done okay last checked.
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    New day, new political scandal

    Raitt doesn't speak French. She is apparently learning.
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    New day, new political scandal

    Alvin, I like the banter, truly, and I appreciate the counterpoint. I don't know if you are beig sarcastic, but the comment about helping Raitt made me laugh. Come to think of it she does have a vacant Chief of Staff position and the D-Comm gig is unfilled. It's an office running short on...
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    New day, new political scandal

    Yes the first time an overzealous regulator decided to shut down the Chalk River Reactor before the federal government could conclude agreements with international partners to ensure supply. The second time, the government anticipating future problems with the aging Chalk River reactor put in...
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    New day, new political scandal

    Alvin... Why would Linda Keen be feeling vindicated? I'm not sure by your response you actually understand what Linda Keen's role as the head CNSC was and moreover how had the former NRCan Minister Gary Lunn not overided her the global supply of isotopes would have been impacted. Let's not...
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    Alberta allowing parents to pull kids from controversial classes

    As an Albertan educated in Quebec and currently living and working in Ontario, I'm tickled to see that the knee jerk response for several posters on this thread is to make perjorative comments about the province. Without resorting to singling anyone out for special attention, I tip my cap those...
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    New day, new political scandal

    A couple of observations... Dr. Bennett's assertion is patently false. Canada has been working with its partners to guarantee access to alternative supplies of isotopes. What's barren from the Opposition's attack is what they would do differently. I'm sure Minister Raitt really is as...
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    Cracks appear in Tory alliance

    Uh no. The writ was issued for the 08 campaign on Sept 7, the Liberals unveiled their platform on Sept 22, the NDP on the 29th. There is no basis in in fact to your assertion that platforms are published at the beginning of a campaign... strategically it makes little sense to release your entire...
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    Cracks appear in Tory alliance

    B.S. What is an election platform but a nice neat consolidated (and hopefully costed) summation of campaign promises made on the election trail. The Tories were making announcements throughout the campaign, who cares that the platform wasn't published until the end, that was Finley's...
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    Cracks appear in Tory alliance

    I still keep waiting for him to actually articulate something close to a vision for public policy. But hey, he wrote like 18 books and taught at Havard, that should be good enough, who needs policy? Those factions existed in the Mulroney years as well. Keithz posting has been pretty...
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    Who's more right-wing: Harper or Obama?

    Just thought I'd point out that the most conservative (notice the small c people) Canadian province (Alberta), is still more "left of centre" than the most liberal (again small l) US state (Massachusetts).
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    Conservative Immigration Policy

    ^^^ Then you should also know that as a public servant you are protected under Whistleblower legislation. Introduced by the Conservatives, the law provides for punishment of up to two years imprisonment and/or up to a $10,000 fine for reprisals against a whistleblower or a public servant who...
