Developer: Metrolinx
Architect: HDR
Address: 825 Don Mills Rd, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Ontario Line: Science Centre Station | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | HDR

They'll have to delay opening Line 5 to change the name on the Science Centre Station to DeGasperis Condo Station.

They'll have to delay opening Line 5 to change the name on the Science Centre Station to DeGasperis Condo Station.

I mean, they can just change Science Center Station to either Cross Town Station or Aga Khan Station.... No need to name it after a condo :/
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They'll have to delay opening Line 5 to change the name on the Science Centre Station to DeGasperis Condo Station.

Reads like a blurb out of The Beaverton...
A bunch of fence has gone up around the future site of this yet-to-be-named station. I'm going to lobby for BUTT Station because it's at the butt end of the line. But I'd also be happy with DeG-ASS-per-ASS Station.


I hate plain and obvious names and I'm a bit of a pompous dork, so if I could choose any name, it would be Vestigial Tail & Glutes Station. There's gonna be a tail track, right? And those never get any recognition.


But, knowing Metrolinx, we're going to end up with a name like Gas Station Station. Or, because of the patriotic era we're in, The Royal Canadian Petro Canada Gas Station Station of the Ontario Line.


It doesn't really matter cause it's never gonna open.

Kind of surprised they closed this gas station.

Ford Nation Station? lol just throwing one in the ring for fun and stupidity. ;p
On Thursday I was standing at the bus stop outside the station, and I saw 2 workmen, 1 on a ladder. They were cleaning the sign, but then started measuring it abd drawing marks on it with a black marker. I figured they might be getting ready to cut part of the sign away, leaving behind the symbols but changing the name. So I asked if that's what was happening, and they said yes, the name is changing to...
Of course, there is alread a Don Mills Station on the Sheppard Subway, so maybe the name will be Don Mills South. Or maybe they will change the name of the Sheppard line station.
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The gas station is being removed for the OL tail track. The construction fencing now runs a block or two north of Wynford.
Before last year, the end of the line was going to be on the southwest corner of Don Mills of Eglinton, where the secondary entrance building is, at least that's how I remember it. Early last year they put up signs with a map showing the station on the east side, closer to Wynford, where the gas station is. Then a month later, they took that sign down and put up another one with a map showing it further south, in fromt of the new station with bus bays. Then they took down that sign, and now there is no map anywhere. Maybe they are beginning contruction before they make up their minds?

I didn't know about the tail line running north of Wynford, that would be on property that is/was part of a storage unit building.

As for the supposed current location of the track and station in front of the bus bays station, is there room for it? They may have to lop off the front of the new building to accomodate it.

The entrance to the big grocery store is now blocked off, and the people in the store told me it will be that way for 2 to 3 years. I said, oh, that means it will be blocked for 10 years. I'm such a pessimist.
Before last year, the end of the line was going to be on the southwest corner of Don Mills of Eglinton, where the secondary entrance building is, at least that's how I remember it. Early last year they put up signs with a map showing the station on the east side, closer to Wynford, where the gas station is. Then a month later, they took that sign down and put up another one with a map showing it further south, in fromt of the new station with bus bays. Then they took down that sign, and now there is no map anywhere. Maybe they are beginning contruction before they make up their minds?

I didn't know about the tail line running north of Wynford, that would be on property that is/was part of a storage unit building.

As for the supposed current location of the track and station in front of the bus bays station, is there room for it? They may have to lop off the front of the new building to accomodate it.

The entrance to the big grocery store is now blocked off, and the people in the store told me it will be that way for 2 to 3 years. I said, oh, that means it will be blocked for 10 years. I'm such a pessimist.
The fencing that they have blocked off goes quite far north of winford dr with ontario line sinage
