Developer: Metrolinx
Address: Yonge and Queen, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

Those cross beams look like the permanent ones and not just temporary ones for construction? cc @crs1026 @smallspy
For the East portion of the portal (~1/3 of total length) there will be 3 layers of struts & bracing, the top 2 layers are permanent.
For the rest of the portal there will be 2 layers with only the top one being kept permanently.
Why are the struts exposed instead of being covered with concrete? I assume it would be better for rust proofing

If they are like all the other struts in recent projects, they are a metal that will gradually oxidise to rust red, at which point the oxidation stops and they do not need further rustproofing.

- Paul
Where old meets new at Logan:


Sidewalk underneath nearly double width on the west side:

Also widened on the east but this existing retaining wall would need to be redone if sidewalk is widened:


Nothing a little post-construction power washing can’t clean up:

New look Jimmie Simpson, tree removal would have ruined this park for me:

West side from Queen with temporary noise barrier around piling work:
