Developer: CreateTO
Architect: Montgomery Sisam Architects
Address: 3725 Bloor St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 464 ft / 141.36 mStoreys: 43 storeys
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Toronto 3725 Bloor West | 141.36m | 43s | CreateTO | Montgomery Sisam


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Sep 16, 2020
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Toronto, ON
Can someone please OPEN a new site thread & Map PIN for BLOCK-3 lands on the East side of KIPLING..?

First pop-up community meeting is this week.

Anyone with more than a few posts can open a new thread. I'm not clear on where block 3 is. Is this the parcel where the construction trailers are now at the ECC site?
Updated from the in-person public meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2024 -
Photo 2025-02-06, 6 42 53 PM.jpg

Councillor Morley speaking in SUPPORT of the City's "Housing Now" -- and affordable rental housing development targets in Etobicoke....

Photo 2025-02-06, 6 53 09 PM.jpg

Etobicoke Church Gymnasium public meeting...

Photo 2025-02-06, 6 46 22 PM.jpg

Photo 2025-02-06, 7 04 18 PM.jpg

Photo 2025-02-06, 7 15 57 PM.jpg

The usual demographic-split between Older Homeowners being "very concerned" about this development -- and Younger Renters being in support of more new housing development near TTC and GO transit.
As per @HousingNowTO 's reports above, this one is now on the public-facing side of the AIC:

I'd post the materials, but there's more available in the posts above than in the AIC; CreateTO's project page has also not been updated to include the meeting materials.....

As per @HousingNowTO 's reports above, this one is now on the public-facing side of the AIC:

I'd post the materials, but there's more available in the posts above than in the AIC; CreateTO's project page has also not been updated to include the meeting materials.....

Some new images from the AIC materials -




I absolutely love this updated massing plan for this Block. I was always under the impression that the heights and density being planned in this area were grossly under-achieving the potential. There are not that many wide open spaces that are near the "city centres" of the outer boroughs. Etobicoke centre is also uniquely placed with a conjunction of TTC, MiWay, and GO hubs within walking distance.

I was cautiously optimistic when Block 1 of the Six Points area was increased in density and height (granted by only around 5%-10%). The change to Block 3 here of around 40% gives me even more hope that the future Blocks might be even further increased. I believe even in their current state, they were supposed to be taller and denser than Blocks 1 and 3. I'm hoping for 160m+ for the remaining Blocks!

Happy to see this going forward. Does anyone know what timeline they were talking about for construction? It would make sense to ramp up construction on Block 3 just as Block 1 is wrapping up. That way there's a constant stream of construction without overwhelming the local area too much. Block 5 can follow Block 3 with the same updated density and height seeing that Block 5 already has the zoning approved.
New UT article posted about this site -
Love the architecture, reminds me of the Beltline Yards dev. Just wish it had a second tower on it, as much as CreateTO has gotten better they still fall short of what private devs would be doing on sites. I'm sure tower separation guidelines would complicate things but the city should be able to play ball with itself to get the max # of units on these sites.
Love the architecture, reminds me of the Beltline Yards dev. Just wish it had a second tower on it, as much as CreateTO has gotten better they still fall short of what private devs would be doing on sites. I'm sure tower separation guidelines would complicate things but the city should be able to play ball with itself to get the max # of units on these sites.
There "might" be space for a second (shorter?) Tower on North-West corner of Block-03... you can kind of see the "missing step" in the Shadow study between the new Etobicoke Civic Centre and the single Block-03 tower in the current proposal.


For comparison, the Block-01 site which is under construction has Two (2) shorter Towers at 30 and 26 Storeys - around a similar U-shaped courtyard site -

That site also had additional changes after they went thru the CreateTO re-zoning and RFP process, so they are a number of steps further back on the the Block-03 parcel proposal.
I understand the need for more housing but I love the massing as is with the one tower. The stepping down/divisions of the podium create a good balance and more pedestrian feel to the space.
