Senior Member
My knowledge at this level of detail is limited, but I would assume that the communication would be primarily one-way, and so therefore an API seems unnecessary. It strikes me that the scheduling computer just needs to tell the signal system to "GO", it doesn't need to know what state it is in to send that command. And in fact, watching the signal system at the termini would agree with this - the signal system will hold a train until the scheduling system tells it to. But if there is a condition that is more restrictive - say, another train is crossing over in front of the train scheduled to leave - the signal system will not allow that train to leave until the restriction is removed.Thanks for the all the detail.
Is your understanding that the two software systems are not connecting with each other via an API? I would assume they need to communicate with each other? This sounds equal parts easily solvable and highly complex lol, any software engineers care to chime in?
But again, that's assuming that there is a tie-in to the TTC's own central scheduling computer. There may not be at all - the lines may handle their own scheduling internally.
As I've written earlier, TTC staff have not been given full access to the facilities there. That includes the carhouse, central control, stations, etc. Until that happens, they can not train the operators - and after that, then start running the simulated service.FWIW I've heard Finch is completely finished but Metrolinx/TTC priority is solely on Eglinton and as such no drivers have been trained for Finch...make of that what you will.
What world do you live in that you think anyone actually cares about that?Nothing is more anxiety inducing in the world of Toronto transit than thinking about the fact that we had started construction on a subway along Eglinton, cancelled it, switched gears, and opted to construct a streetcar instead of restarting subway construction.
You know what is actually anxiety-inducing? Making sure that there is enough transit on the system to be able to get to work or to get home. Or to visit my family.