Architect: B+H Architects
Address: 100 Queens Quay East, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: 385 ft / 117.34 mStoreys: 25 storeys
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Toronto 100 Queens Quay at Sugar Wharf | 117.34m | 25s | Menkes | B+H

Saw that this morning on the train ride into Union. Been watching this for weeks as they took out the glass.
From Polson Pier last evening…




What was rather confusing was when it was visible in the distance from our Regent Park vantage point. Here’s a zoom pic of the ‘sign’. Confusion ensued when the letters / script started changing like a video display. Will try to snap a pic of that another time. (EQ mechanical in foreground). Edit: mystery solved. It was distant steam blowing periodically in front of the sign causing temporary confusion. 🤪

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I was walking by this past Sunday, and it was a pleasant surprise seeing Dark Horse open, and also a good number of people making use of it. I think DH did what they could with their space in making it "cozy", but I always found it very cold. It would've been nice if they could put more large wood planters around their area I think. Separate themselves more from that giant corporate lobby. Still, it was really good to see people use the space and patronizing the shop on a Sunday afternoon.
