Address: 55 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education, Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 930 ft / 283.60 mStoreys: 85 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

Wish the city was better at communicating what's currently going on and what the plan is. The fact that it's even a temporary green space is amazing though.

The general public is eventually going to read some meta-article from blogTO and start forming their own narrative "Torontonians shocked at quality of new park".
Torontonians shocked that Torontonians shocked.
Wish the city was better at communicating what's currently going on and what the plan is. The fact that it's even a temporary green space is amazing though.

The general public is eventually going to read some meta-article from blogTO and start forming their own narrative "Torontonians shocked at quality of new park".
Those trees look pretty permanent to me.
Those trees look pretty permanent to me.
As we saw a month or so ago, the first thing they did was put in drains and water. One would only do this (well, do it rationally) if you had a PLAN. I assume that what tey mean by a temporary park is one where the basic things like drains, water and, yes, trees, is 'final' while the rest is not yet set in stone (or concrete).
