Developer: Manulife Investment Management, Real Estate
Architect: Moed de Armas & Shannon, B+H Architects
Address: 55 Bloor St W, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: 32 ft / 9.75 mStoreys: 2 storeys
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Toronto Manulife Centre Podium and Streetscape Renewal | 9.75m | 2s | Manulife Real Estate | MdeAS Architects

...except that they are cladding with materials and a style that will eat your soul. Either tear the building down and start again or work with original design to build upon it. The compromise is just shite here, IMO.
The compromise, as bad or uncoordinated as it may be, is still a warmer palette than the original bare concrete I think. Perhaps the more practical solution for the tower portion would be to leave the concrete untouched BUT replace all the glazing with modern reflective glass in some varied hues such as bronze, dark blue etc...I think it would give a nice stylish effect of minimalist brutalism mixed with colored warmth.
The compromise, as bad or uncoordinated as it may be, is still a warmer palette than the original bare concrete I think. Perhaps the more practical solution for the tower portion would be to leave the concrete untouched BUT replace all the glazing with modern reflective glass in some varied hues such as bronze, dark blue etc...I think it would give a nice stylish effect of minimalist brutalism mixed with colored warmth.
A warmer palette also exists on the AntiSocial, very few here have expressed it's an improvement. While I can agree colours, even KFC gravy earth tones, are much preferable than grey...but if not done right can look pretty awful. And it's in my opinion, it looks pretty awful here too of what little "warmth" they've added.
The tower portion could do with window replacement but further destruction of the building's architectural integrity is a concern. They'll have to choose well.
I might have solved the mystery of the missing street number. In the mall, there is an A-frame sign advertising their apartments, and they only refer to the building as "Charles West". Still 44 Charles on their website, however.
I might have solved the mystery of the missing street number. In the mall, there is an A-frame sign advertising their apartments, and they only refer to the building as "Charles West". Still 44 Charles on their website, however.
I think street numbers are rather vital if one expects visitors, Canada Post or Uber! In fact, I think they may actually be obligatory - though this is clearly not enforced!
