Developer: Empire Communities
Address: 162 Queens Quay East , Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 240 ft / 73.15 mStoreys: 21 storeys
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Toronto Quay House | 73.15m | 21s | Empire | Kirkor

I wrote to Planning about the sidewalk levels and received the following quite hopeful message - well, hopeful IF we ever see the LRT!

".... good question – this streetscape is an interim condition that will exist until Queens Quay East is reconstructed for the Waterfront East LRT. The interim condition has to negotiate a difference between the existing grade of Queens Quay and the building designed at the future level of the street, which will be slightly higher (similar to what’s been constructed on the other side Richardson – see screenshot below). The ultimate condition will have continuous level sidewalk, as illustrated in these cross-sections:
View attachment 613550
Good on you to message planning, nice work!

The not so good news is that we'll be waiting 30+ years at this rate, so no change coming anytime soon.
The “motif” on this thing is heinous to say the least. I can’t decipher the logic and not in a good way like looking at an abstract painting. It’s utterly random and thoughtless/lazy.

There’s one in Pickering that’s similar, where the ‘designers’ plopped white cladding in the middle of the building face: right

And I can’t figure out what leads to this — or why someone would think it looks good.

We desperately need more colour and texture in this neighborhood. I’d say even if the remaining infill projects were all well designed, it would tip the design scale to at least 50/50 good vs not.

Projects like Aqualuna, the Arbour, and the proposed Quayside are severely pulling their weight, and I’m so grateful for their precedence. It’s just too bad other developers here don’t take as much pride in their craftsmanship.

Though, I hold on to hope that we’ll see better results moving forward now that there’s a clearer vision for the neighborhood as a whole.
