Toronto Rail Deck Development | 239.43m | 72s | Fengate | Sweeny &Co

Honestly the real tragedy here is in the early 1970s the waterfront was mostly parking lots and a few warehouses. What should have happened is the first 100m from the lakeshore should have been parkland with progressively taller buildings moving away from the lake. Paying hundreds of millions, or billions?, for a false park over railway lines is not in the same league as lakefront green space.
Honestly the real tragedy here is in the early 1970s the waterfront was mostly parking lots and a few warehouses. What should have happened is the first 100m from the lakeshore should have been parkland with progressively taller buildings moving away from the lake. Paying hundreds of millions, or billions?, for a false park over railway lines is not in the same league as lakefront green space.
That's what happens you have politicians without any vision (mostly provincial and municipal in this case) who lead and create a grand cock up known today as Toronto's waterfront.

And to be clear here i'm not talking about the portion that Waterfront Toronto has jurisdiction over, i'm talking about the grand stretch from Park Lawn through to Yonge.
Honestly the real tragedy here is in the early 1970s the waterfront was mostly parking lots and a few warehouses. What should have happened is the first 100m from the lakeshore should have been parkland with progressively taller buildings moving away from the lake. Paying hundreds of millions, or billions?, for a false park over railway lines is not in the same league as lakefront green space.

Had lots of land to bury the Gardiner at the same time. Concord, for example could have built a portion under CityPlace in return for density.
