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Recent content by TKTKTK

  1. T

    Toronto Sixty Five Broadway | 132.89m | 39s | Times Group | Wallman Architects

    A pre-hearing conference to amend the site's zoning restrictions has been scheduled for the 20th of January at the OMB. The site is currently zoned for a maximum height of 38m (10-11 stories), and they're asking permission to build two 155.53m towers of 45 stories. Please be advised that a...
  2. T

    Roads Poll: What would be your ideal Gardiner Tear Down?

    It hasn't seemed to matter that much so far — as that whole parcel of land is going ahead and being developed. :) But I've never understood the wisdom of blighting existing neighbourhoods so we can have a clean slate for one that doesn't exist yet — when the more logical course of action would...
  3. T

    Roads Poll: What would be your ideal Gardiner Tear Down?

    It might be the least used stretch of that highway, but it still sees an awful lot of traffic. Most cars aren't getting off at Richmond or Lake Shore, they continue around the flyramps onto the Gardiner. I can understand simplifying this transition a bit — and there IS excess capacity — but I...
  4. T

    Roads Poll: What would be your ideal Gardiner Tear Down?

    lol, April Fools! Gas is more expensive in Europe than it is here, by far — and yet...they still have cars and drive :) The future's going to look a lot like now, not identical — but not the crazy car-free future that people dream about.
  5. T

    Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

    Is it just me or is "Emergency Exit" printed on the windows as if you were reading them from outside?
  6. T


    There're a lot more cars, parking at least. It used to be rare to see anyone else parking after-hours at the Lung Society building on the corner of St. Lawrence and King, but now it's full nearly every night. Lots more illegal garbage dumping too...can't quite figure that one out.
  7. T

    Toronto River City Condos Phases 1 & 2 | ?m | 16s | Urban Capital | ZAS Architects

    Let's wait 'till Saucier + Perrotte's design actually gets built. Right now it's a beautiful projection; but don't forget that its dancing in the middle of one ugly crowd (thanks streetcar).
  8. T

    Roads: Keep the Gardiner, fix it, or get rid of it? (2005-2014)

    Maybe if you were actually funny it would be easier to seperate the wheat from the chaff? "The New Orleans approach to congestion" ? Is that like a Tsunami of Hilarity solving overpopulation in the Indian Ocean?
  9. T

    Roads: Keep the Gardiner, fix it, or get rid of it? (2005-2014)

    yeah, and then you went on to explain why it wasn't really a joke, or was that part of the joke too? Hmmm, I'm no Canadian Historian but even I know the impact of the October Crisis — and it wasn't status quo.
  10. T

    Roads: Keep the Gardiner, fix it, or get rid of it? (2005-2014)

    Yeah I know, which is why I also mentioned the Auto Industry. No amount of clever planning, or 'zoning controls' can overcome what Detroit went through — so just stop :P Go and read about the 12th Street Riots, race riots unsurpassed in American history until the LA riots in '92. I think after...
  11. T

    Roads: Keep the Gardiner, fix it, or get rid of it? (2005-2014)

    omg, can we stop with the "Detroit was killed because of its highway infrastructure" canard? The downtown hollowed out because of white-flight and a level of racial tension nearly unheard of north of the border, which was then exacerbated even further by the auto-industry going into a tail-spin...
  12. T

    Tim Hortons: Drive-thrus R great!

    I'm sure for insurance reasons this can never happen. I think both out of fear of customers being injured by cars, and an increased risk of robbery. What happened to the walk-up window at the McDonalds at Queen and Spadina?
  13. T

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    I think that's a Plymouth Fury...not sure what year though, '59 maybe? I think the Taxi might actually be a '55 (the chrome line went further forward later on) (edit: on closer look, it is a '56, it's just missing the rest of its trim)
  14. T

    Ex-Ontario AG Bryant questioned in death of cyclist

    Really? Is it because you think he's being used as an example to show that politicians aren't above the law? Or is it something about him personally that justice is seeking revenge on? I think if it were anyone else charges would have been laid, high-profile legal positions would not have...
  15. T

    Ex-Ontario AG Bryant questioned in death of cyclist

    For what? I think it was for killing a man with his car in broad daylight. A new, high-profile appointment to Ogilvy Renault hardly sounds like his life is on hold. It's hard to feel sorry for a man whose reaction to killing someone on the street is to immediately hire a PR firm.
