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News   Sep 24, 2024
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Recent content by The_Waffler

  1. T

    The Star: Cohn: Ontario's debt is soaring, and province is falling behind

    I recall when McGuinty's first action as Premier was to break his promise of no tax increases and raising taxes, citing the horrible state of Provincial finances he inherited. Looks like he's set the stage for the next guy to take a knife to spending... weather they want to or not. Dalton could...
  2. T

    Morally/ethically bankrupt government

    The problem with the Liberals is they've elected a leader who's closest contact with the average person has been on some theoretical plane as an abstract concept. To say he's in touch with the average person is like saying that Charlie Sheen is in touch with reality. He has about as much curb...
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As stated earlier, better thought out than the bike lanes on Sheppard East in far eastern Scarborough... nice thoroughfare for tumble-weed. I guess if you build it, they won't come applies.
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Where were all the armchair auditors during Millers reign?
  5. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There is a lot of Ford bashing here, which is a legitimate for of expression (since you all hate him), but turn the tables and it becomes offensive. Your frequent references to the wife beating bigot come to mind. Subway will be used heavily, unlike the bike lanes down Sheppard East here in...
  6. T

    Referendum on Transit City needed

    Most here don't get that...
  7. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's OK to call Ford a fat piece of s**t, right, but call out the pinko's and the tears fall like rain. One is acceptable, the other offensive. Cherry is saying what an awful lot of people are thinking (yes, hard to believe that people who disagree without you can think on their own). I think...
  8. T

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    He was smart enough to beat your guy. And apparently there are enough ignoramuses out there to dare vote for Ford... maybe even set a record in Canada for support. Speaking of having the nerve to vote for the drunken lying pot...
  9. T

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Every cent spent on supporting performance art or starving artists. Really important part of the budget... money well spent. Not contracting out municipal waste collection is pissing money away. The $1 million washroom at the Exhibition. Fair wage drives up costs to the City and is based...
  10. T

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Ahh yes, we're not worthy unless we're a down townie, right?
  11. T

    Getting Rid Of Unions

    Well, one way would be to treat them fairly and pay them well. Efficiencies in being non-union don't come from paying workers a low wage... they come from flexible work rules.
  12. T

    Getting Rid Of Unions

    That's nice, Honda/Toyota operations in Ontario are non-union. We are in Ontario, right? Point was that it is quite possible to operate without a union. No thanks, you can keep your German car, I'll keep my Element.
  13. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't know about that, but the last administration did it with their heads up their butts.
  14. T

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Even simpler theory.. the so-called silent majority has grown tired of being taxed, then seeing their money pissed away.
  15. T

    Getting Rid Of Unions

    Contract to a non-union operator and you don't have to worry about a strike. Honda and Toyota workers make good bread, are treated well, and they don't have a union. The threat of one keeps them honest.
