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Recent content by afransen

  1. A

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    If that were the case, why did the city invest considerable resources into traffic agents to manage box blocking?
  2. A

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    It's not a matter of the truth of the belief, but rather the truthiness.
  3. A

    Cycling infrastructure (Separated bike lanes)

    What would stop a city from first reducing traffic lanes, and then completely independently, creating a bike lane where the traffic lane once was? Unless they mean to ban any reduction in lanes anywhere. My guess is that they introduce this bill but it dies when the election is called.
  4. A

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Probably just red meat for an upcoming election. A blanket ban is bananas.
  5. A

    GO Transit: Service thread (including extensions)

    Maybe a dedicated bus lane as a queue jump? The bottleneck is the ramp/intersection. The lanes on Lakeshore are just room to stack vehicles as they queue.
  6. A

    Cycling infrastructure (Separated bike lanes)

    Terrible policy. What about roads where the capacity is beyond requirement? Lots of road diets can be done without negatively impacting capacity. This is way too extreme for the mushy middle stance they are trying to take.
  7. A

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    You shouldn't need bike lanes on every street. In the NL most of the bike network takes the form of low speed, low volume 30kph access streets. In that case, bikes and cars can mix without dedicated lanes. The key is design to ensure low speeds (narrow, without long straightaways) and low volume...
  8. A

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)

    The only way to provide those subsidies is to tax people. There is no free lunch. Add to that the the majority of subsidies go to people who would have done something anyway makes for very inefficient government spending. Every year, millions of Canadians make a decision about what kind of car...
  9. A

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    The first instinct shouldn't be to assign blame to users, but to consider whether the design of the infrastructure encourages safe behaviour or dangerous behaviour. Users will always make mistakes, the key to sustainable safety is reducing the negative outcomes when they make those mistakes...
  10. A

    Roads: Traffic Signals

    Absent potholes, I don't think that snowy path is as smooth much less smoother than asphalt. I've seen such projectors in indoor (facility managers love them as a safety feature) and outdoor contexts and they are very bright.
  11. A

    Return to office discussion

    More on the tech side? Curious to hear your experience working for Amazon in terms of expectation for hours worked, general culture/pressure and stress. I've spoken with people in operations and I have heard some wild stories.
  12. A

    Cycling infrastructure (Separated bike lanes)

    I'd say they are generally superior to painted bicycle gutters as they provide more protection. Most roads in the suburbs are way too fast moving (>50kph speed) for cyclists to feel secure in a painted bike lane without curb protection. Even where there is curb protection, it usually disappears...
  13. A

    Cycling infrastructure (Separated bike lanes)

    I mean, it's not like there aren't thousands of protected intersections in the world, and dozens in Canada. Seems like a very unfortunate miss. Usually these are accompanied with a centre line and a sign asking users to keep to the right in the direction of travel. Generally these MUPs are...
  14. A

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    The biggest risk is the first renewal as very little principal is repaid in the first 5 years. So a 5% down payment gives precious little cushion for home prices to turn downwards before the borrower is underwater at renewal time. I don't think 25 or 30 years makes a material difference for...
  15. A

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)

    People can insulate their homes, replace windows, buy a more fuel efficient vehicle (hybrid or EV), change the type of vacations they take, etc. all while keeping the same rotten commute.
