Developer: Slate Asset Management
Architect: Gensler
Address: 1 St Clair Ave W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 543 ft / 165.63 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 1 St Clair West | 165.63m | 49s | Slate | Gensler

This is exactly what the area needed. St.Clair/Yonge has long felt stuffy and a bit sleepy. It desperately needed an injection of vitality and some architecture that was't so staid. It's getting both. There are lots of other wonderful proposals for this area too.

With all the mid-rises going up between Davenport & St. Clair it might even feel stitched into the downtown 10-15 years from now.
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So when do they start to build this?

...I know, I know...I am asking this in the vain hopes they stick the reno shovels in the current building before they decide to water down that design. Might as well get in there while it's still fresh! >.<
Funny thing is, I've long been of the POV that the existing structure was built w/future expansion in mind--and possibly horizontally if not vertically (the W party wall w/the present mural looks as if it could have accommodated such a thing)
I will say that I am disappointed that the office space is being replaced 1:1 rather than expanded. Given the larger office floorplates, I assumed the square-footage would increase, but it seems not. Is a level lost to retail? The floor to ceiling heights do not appear increased (and therefore number of floors to the top of the existing building decreased) based on the renderings.
I will say that I am disappointed that the office space is being replaced 1:1 rather than expanded. Given the larger office floorplates, I assumed the square-footage would increase, but it seems not. Is a level lost to retail? The floor to ceiling heights do not appear increased (and therefore number of floors to the top of the existing building decreased) based on the renderings.

If I am reading the renders correctly, there are currently 11 floors of offices above grade.

The proposal is for 10 levels of offices above grade

(the ground floor not counted in either scenario)
If I am reading the renders correctly, there are currently 11 floors of offices above grade.

The proposal is for 10 levels of offices above grade

(the ground floor not counted in either scenario)

That's what I see as well. I am still confounded looking at the renders. The existing office appears to be 4 of the large bays (you can see this on the amenity level) vs 2 large bays of additional office. That would be a 1/3 increase, minus the single missing floor. There is still a discrepancy of about 5 stories (of the original building floorplate) that are seemingly unaccounted for.
