Mississauga Hurontario-Main Line 10 LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

I agree with you in principle. Road widths are not important if pedestrian accessibility is not compromised, but if you make them too wide then they'll become windswept and intimidating for pedestrians.

Well, what it comes down to is design, and much agreed on the second point.

I still believe that Mississauga would be much better served by the extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway line into MCC. Why the TTC and all levels of government don't make this a priority is beyond me.
The Hurontario LRT and any sort of rapid transit to MCC are not mutually exclusive projects
Jarrek I am the most supportive person on this board of a B-D extension to MCC, but I think the Hurontario LRT is important too. If I had my way, the Dundas LRT Enivronmental Assessment would involve changing the preferred technology to subway. It amazes me how no one has any vision for how much rapid transit is needed NOW for Mississauga, and how much it'll be needed in the future.
I am actually pretty excited about the Dundas LRT. If any one subway should be built in Mississauga it should be Hurontario, not Dundas.

With LRT lines planned for both Dundas and Hurontario, all that is needed now is an upgrade and diversion of the Milton line.
An upgrade of the Milton line is extremely important for quick service to downtown Toronto. That said, in my mind it does NOT preclude a subway along Dundas or along Hurontario. Ultimately, I believe Mississauga should have subway from Port Credit to downtown Brampton, and a subway from MCC to Kipling, and an S-Bahn system along the Milton and Lakeshore lines. That said, I'll settle for LRT along Hurontario and Dundas as long as it's subway-style spacing and is comparable in speed. To me, speed is important, and that's why a lot people ARE taking GO from places like Square One to downtown Toronto.
I would, what's the point of riding a subway line that takes two hours to get you anywhere? I doubt any Peel Regioner will appreciate adding another 50 unneccesary minutes to their commutes. I think both the Yonge Line and BD should add adjacent express lines to their regular local services such that the commute from MCC to Bloor-Yonge takes the same amount of time as a commute from Kipling to Bloor-Yonge (hence distance has no bearing on speed).
Express subway lines are an incredible waste of money in Toronto when GO lines can perform the same function for a fraction the cost.
Dentrobate, I think you missed his point. What he's saying is an express service from Kipling to Downtown. Except that instead of tunnelling two more tunnels on the subway line, which would cost billions, he's suggesting spending a couple hundred million to turn the Milton GO line into basically a rapid transit route with ~15 minute frequencies, and divert it north to serve the MCC before continuing returning to the existing corridor to Streetsville and Meadowvale. It would achieve an express service from MCC to Kipling to Dundas West to Union for a very small amount of money.
There would also be the potential to serve new stops, possibly King West, Queen West, Dupont & Dundas and Lambton. You would get a one-seat ride from Square One & the western half of the DRL.

This is all outlined in the Bold proposal from Metrolinx, so we're not pulling this idea out of our rears.

If implemented, it would run underground from the Cooksville area to Square One, and could co-exist with the Hurontario LRT. Extensions from there are possible, but would depend on the success of the Mississauga Transitway.
So what you're all advocating is a private ROW adjacent to the Milton Line? That I'd endorse, along with Hurontario LRT from Port Credit to downtown Brampton. A stop at around Jane Street would allot interchnages off the TC line, getting those commuters to an actual nodal destination alot quicker rather than a useless interchange at Jane/Bloor.

However don't knock my suggestion of a Bloor-Danforth express line so readily, since at present it takes almost an hour to get from Kipling to Kennedy, so any minimizing that commute would be appreciated. Yonge too could be made to have a express service, which would operate as local north of Steeles and south of Union Station (THINK: DRL-lite).
No, they're saying an improved + diverted Milton line would *be* the subway, only faster and cheaper.

Since no one is going from Kipling to Kennedy (they're going from beyond Kipling to beyond Kennedy if they go that far at all), they can take improved GO trains...which conveniently stop at both places already.
Slightly... What we are advocating is that the instead of running large trains every hour, we would run smaller trains every 15 minutes. Full sized GO trains could continue to operate in the commuter direction, if the capacity is still needed.

Similarly, we could upgrade the Richmond Hill corridor to this standard to add extra capacity and off-peak service.

Having said all that, express lines do have merit and shouldn't be dismissed out-of-hand.
No, they're saying an improved + diverted Milton line would *be* the subway, only faster and cheaper.

Since no one is going from Kipling to Kennedy (they're going from beyond Kipling to beyond Kennedy if they go that far at all), they can take improved GO trains...which conveniently stop at both places already.

But nowhere near the level of frequency or reliability required to consider taking the GO a viable option. By the time one gets to the Milton line, awaits a train, gets off at Union, awaits a connecting Stoufville train, and takes that to Kennedy one already would long have arrived at Kennedy via the subway and guess what it'd only cost one fare which gets onto a connecting bus/RT train for free.

Why should this new 'subway' be incorporated onto the Milton line? The amount of local stops that would have to be added on to the GO service, would make it completely inconvenient for long-distance commuters (from Meadowvale and Milton/Halton Hills). What I'm inferring instead is a completely independent service most likely operated by the TTC to alott seamless transfer onto other TTC vehicles once in Toronto. It would most likely have stops at:

Union, Skydome, Fort York, Strachan, Exhibition, Queen West, Brockton, Bloor/Dundas, Annette, Junction (Keele or Runnymede but not both), Jane/Dundas, Kingsway Mills, Etobicoke Centre (Islington), Kipling, Shorncliffe, West Mall (Sherway interchange), Dixie, Tomken, Cawthra, Cooksville, midblock between Central Pkwy and Burnhamthrope, and finally Square One terminal.

You could also make it express east of Kipling omitting those intermediate stops but adding them in was to offer some DRL local practicality to the line.
