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Black Lives Matter Toronto

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Now let's be honest, Sandra Hudson did bill a quarter million from U of T students as 'overtime' and Yusra Khogali touts Black supremacy in her tweets and Facebook page.

We need to be wary about letting those people near the levers of power as the ends seems to justify the means in their opinion.
Sandra Hudson deserved every penny and Yusra Khogali is just speaking the truth on how she was oppressed by whites. You have to be an ignorant bigot not to get that.

The city should pull it's funding from Pride. BLM is a very racist homophobic group. Last years Pride i witnessed first hand homophobic slurs coming out the mouths of BLM supporters.
What a bunch of lies! BLM homophobic? Where's your proof of this? Oh that's right, you don't have any and I'm supposed to take your word for it!
You threatened a cop at a protest and got arrested, considering the violence propagated, especially to cops and you are upset about the event you triggered.

Do you have pictures of your injuries? Video?
That white cop was racially profiling a black man. He deserved it! And the pig took my iPhone away so I couldn't record any of it.

Freedom of speech is not a “get out of jail free” shield.
Pointing out to a cop that he's racially profiling black people should not be a crime.

Again, you attack someone and are upset about an outcome you caused.
I confronted RACISTS. What part of racist don't you understand. If you are a racist, you forfeit all the fundamental rights including the right to self-defense.

White on white violence is not racism, so by your own words, you don’t know what racism is if you don’t understand something that basic.

Also, being homophobic doesn’t make you racist, it does make you a bigot.
It doesn't matter that I was born white. The biker pigs were racists and I'm anti-racist. Therefore the attack was racist.

You need to go to a library, investigate the concepts you shout about so your ignorance doesn’t keep undermining the message you purport to spread.

The whole “they did it first” argument is anorexic. Again, inform yourself, don’t just shout “key” or “trigger” words. Introduce a little substance to your authoritarian/nationalist rhetoric and propaganda, then people may overlook the violence you promote.
loooooooooooooooooool @ me not knowing what I'm talking. First off I'm not a nationalist because I'm for BLM and not some white Neo-Nazi group. How can you be a born white BLM supporter and be a racist/nationalist? It doesn't make sense. Second how am I authoritarian? I'm part of Antifa as well, that means anti-fascist and not fascist therefore anti-authoratiran.

Blue Lives Matter!

Seriously, individual police can participate as private citizens if they wish. This argument that the exclusion of TPS as an institution constitutes is some form of "discrimination" is ridiculous.

Nor is it hypocritical to exclude them from pride while expecting them to provide security. That's their job and they're paid very well to do it. At the same time the communities they serve can tell them to do better.

Carding is still TPS policy by the way.
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Blue Lives Matter!

Seriously, individual police can participate as private citizens if they wish. This argument that the exclusion of TPS as an institution constitutes is some form of "discrimination" is ridiculous.

Nor is it hypocritical to exclude them from pride while expecting them to provide security. That's their job and they're paid very well to do it. At the same time the communities they serve can tell them to do better.

Carding is still TPS policy by the way.

I don't think anyone here is trying to argue that the police are angels. There are definite problems with systematic discrimination/abuse against minorities in the police ranks regardless of any public policy. In my mind, the argument boils down to, do we say they're not doing enough to improve and exclude them until they're doing better, or do we celebrate the strides they have made and then use that to bring them closer and open a dialog about what they need to start doing better? I personally believe that the latter will yield better results.
I don't think anyone here is trying to argue that the police are angels. There are definite problems with systematic discrimination/abuse against minorities in the police ranks regardless of any public policy. In my mind, the argument boils down to, do we say they're not doing enough to improve and exclude them until they're doing better, or do we celebrate the strides they have made and then use that to bring them closer and open a dialog about what they need to start doing better? I personally believe that the latter will yield better results.

No, but there does seem to a general view that the police are "reasonable" and BLM is ridiculous.
BlackLivesMatterJeff troll is back! :rolleyes:

However if you put BLMJ on your Ignore list, and disregard the earnest but fruitless attempts to respond to BLMJ, the entire thread takes on a much more civil discourse on the topic.

Give it a shot, it really changes the mood from frantic shouting and insults to open discourse and discussion.
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Nor is it hypocritical to exclude them from pride while expecting them to provide security. That's their job and they're paid very well to do it.
It's not their job, which is why it's taken on as part-time Paid Duty work. It entirely possible that the police heads or their union orders their membership to refuse paid duty. That will force Pride to provide their own security, on their dime.

The Union's position....
“We would always provide security (as is required at any normal protest or parade) but why would we do anything more than the bare minimum,” he said. “The message is clear we are not welcome.”

The TPS precedents...
TPS aren't obliged to police free security for events. TPS have refused paid duty for large events before,
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Regardless of how this pans out, the schism has been widen and the rift has deepened between the TPS, as a whole, and the LGBTQ community.
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