Bolton North Hill
Concept plan for 14289-14766 Highway 50, Caledon, by BNHLG
  1 rendering
Ownership diagram of Bolton North Hill, Caledon, by BNHLG

Bolton North Hill: a proposed secondary plan of low, medium and high-density residential, commercial, school and parkland developed by Bolton North Hill Landowners Group (a joint venture involving Pacific, Polsinelli, Country Homes, Oakbank Estates Inc, Marhome Ventures, Georgian Humbervale Inc and Cold Creek Developments) centred around the intersection of Highway 50 and Emil Kolb Parkway in Bolton North, Caledon.

Address 14289-14766 Highway 50, Caledon, Ontario, L7E 3E3
Category Residential (Detached House, Townhouse, Market-Rate Rental, Condo, Subdivision), Commercial, Institutional (Education), Public Space / Park
Status Pre-Construction

Financial Services PGC Land Management Inc, Arcadis
Transportation & Infrastructure Crozier Consulting Engineers

Buildings Discussion
Views: 535  |  Replies: 1  |  Last Post: Jun 12, 2023

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