UrbanToronto's Forum was abuzz recently with rumours that a redevelopment in Kensington Market is in the works after a rendering was posted on a developer's website. Located at 17 St. Andrew Street, just west of Spadina, the image from Impressions Group depicts a 7-storey infill building, featuring a quirky design reportedly from SvN. The project is listed on Impression's website as a rental property.

Rendering of 17 St. Andrew, image courtesy of Impressions Group.

The main facade sports a unique design with catenary arches at its base, and alternating punched-out rectangular and quarter-circle windows. The finish appears to be grey brick, or a material of a similar nature, with bright pink accents around the window openings.

Currently existing on the site is a single two-storey building with one retail unit, and a surface parking lot, both of which would be replaced by the proposal. No development application has been submitted to the City yet, and no details other than a "coming soon" notice appear on the developer's website, so little is known about the building at this point in time.

Existing site at 17 St. Andrew, image via Google Maps.

We will let you know of any updates as they become available, but in the meantime, you can tell us what you think by checking out the associated Forum thread or by leaving a comment in the space provided on this page.

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