The vertical growth of Toronto's posh Yorkville neighbourhood is showing no signs of slowing, with demolition now clearing the site of another condominium development set to add a new peak to the area's skyline. Before Cresford Developments can begin construction on 33 Yorkville Avenue, demolition is clearing the project's footprint. The architectsAlliance-designed development consists of conjoined 42 and 66-storey towers.

Aerial view of the 33 Yorkville Avenue site, image by Forum contributor Benito

Demolition has been ongoing since mid-2018, having started with the teardown of 28 Cumberland Street and 27 Yorkville Avenue, a pair of low-rise commercial buildings on the east side of the site. Since their demolition wrapped up, work has started on removing a mid-1970s above-ground garage occupying the bulk of the site. The 7-level garage closed in mid-November, and the first signs of activity were recorded towards the end of that month.

Demolition for 33 Yorkville, image by Forum contributor Red Mars

Led by Priestly Demolition, the teardown is now progressing quickly, with a large eastern portion of the garage already reduced to rubble, while the first signs of demolition have appeared at the west end of the garage. A pair of excavators continue to chew away at the structure, removing the reinforced concrete one bite at a time. A four-storey office building connected to the garage's Cumberland Street frontage will also be removed as part of the project.

Demolition for 33 Yorkville, image by Forum contributor Red Mars

Demolition will be followed by shoring and excavation for the project's underground levels, followed by the rise of the conjoined towers, which will reach heights of 143 and 215 metres and bring over 1,000 new condominium units to the Yorkville neighbourhood.

33 Yorkville Avenue, image via submission to City of Toronto

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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Related Companies:  architects—Alliance, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, Live Patrol Inc., Rebar Enterprises Inc