Tridel recorded a significant milestone at the close of 2017 when structural forming wrapped up for Ten York Street Condos, their new Wallman Architects-designed tower in Toronto's South Core area. Since then, installation has begun on the steel frame for the glass crown that will top the tower. Its western tip brings the project to its final 224-metre height, forming a continuation of the concrete sections of the building's pitched roofline .

Ten York Street Condos, Tridel, Wallman Architects, TorontoFirst signs of the crown's steel frame, image by Forum contributor Dustin William

The first photos of the steel frame were posted on UrbanToronto this past weekend. This lattice of steel at the tower's west peak now marks the architectural top of the 65-storey tower, forming a distinctive point that—along with concrete-built sections to the east—will be encased with glazing in the coming weeks.

Ten York Street Condos, Tridel, Wallman Architects, TorontoCrown of Ten York, image by Forum contributor NIL OMNI

This element of the tower is now just visible in distant views from the west, bringing the building's skyline presence in the South Core closer to the design shown in marketing renderings. 

Ten York Street Condos, Tridel, Wallman Architects, TorontoTen York topped out on the South Core skyline, image by Forum contributor Keyz

One of renderings showing the top of the tower offers a glimpse of how the crown will appear once complete.

Ten York Street Condos, Tridel, Wallman Architects, TorontoPreconstruction rendering of Ten York's crown, image courtesy of Tridel

Ten York will add 725 new condo units to Toronto's South Core neighbourhood, an area rapidly becoming one of the city's most densely built-up.

Additional information and renderings of Ten York can be found in the project's database file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

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