Contractors, developers, property owners, and engineers will soon congregate for a conference to discuss how to overcome challenges encountered on Ontario’s ever-shrinking development sites. Hosted by GeoSolv Design/Build Inc. and Geopier, the event will take place on March 27th at Brampton's Pearson Convention Centre.

Sponsored by UrbanToronto, the Geo2018 Conference: Developing Challenging Sites will offer talks from many industry experts, covering all aspects of land development, including ground improvement, how to scope site investigations, getting projects out of the ground, due diligence, and how challenging soil conditions can affect the design of structures. An expert panel discussion facilitated by UrbanToronto will conclude what is sure to be an insightful and informative day of networking, learning and expert discussions.

Drilling in challenging soil, image courtesy of GeoSolv

Speakers at the event will include representatives and principals from Waterfront Toronto, Terraprobe, Moses Structural Engineers, Ground Force Environmental, Thurber Engineering, and many other notable firms involved in local land development. The presidents of both companies hosting the event—GeoSolv Design/Build Incorporated's Mark Tigchelaar and Geopier Foundation Company's Kord J. Wissmann—are among those who will speak.

Those looking to register for the event are encouraged to do so as soon as possible, as space is limited. With a subsidized registration fee of only $75.00+HST, tickets are going fast. You can learn more about the event and register at this link.