Every year, approximately 10,000 new residents come to Downtown Toronto. Remarkably, the rate of growth is expected to see the current population of the urban core double by 2041. Responding to the unprecedented development, the City of Toronto's TOcore study was initiated to guide the creation of a comprehensive Secondary Plan for Downtown. 

Toronto skyline, image by Oscar Flores via Flickr

Launched in 2015, the TOcore study is now well into its second phase. Following a series of public consultations, stakeholder meetings, and studies throughout 2015 and 2016, a new Proposals Report outlines the general scope for the Secondary Plan. In order to help finalize the plans, the City is seeking further public input through a survey that allows residents to provide a more nuanced response, which will help prioritize planning initiatives. 

The survey covers a variety of topics including land use, transit, ecology, and arts & culture, with the results meant to help provide a holistic framework for urban growth. Following the latest round of consultations, the survey results and Proposals Report will help guide a draft of the Secondary Plan.

A graph of Downtown's unequal contribution, image courtesy of toronto.ca

In addition to the survey, the City will be holding a TOcore open house on March 4, 2017, at Ryerson University, with further details forthcoming. In the meantime, more information regarding the TOcore initiative can be found on the City of Toronto's dedicated portal. A direct link to the survey is available here.