While Toronto's ongoing development boom has seen more condos go up than anything else, it has included a fair share of office developments. The new office space growth is being fuelled in part by the growing trend of large companies closing suburban offices and consolidating workforces into single large spaces in the Downtown Core where their younger hires want to be.

Among the major office towers constructed in the past 5 years, Brookfield PropertiesBay Adelaide Centre East Tower rises 44 storeys above Adelaide Street West in the Financial District. It joins the 50-storey West Tower located at the corner for which the complex is named. Back in August, 2014, construction of the office tower was well underway, as seen from the Frederick and Adelaide intersection just under a kilometre to the east.

View of the Bay Adelaide Centre's east tower from Frederick and Adelaide, 2014, image by Marcus Mitanis

Fast forward a little over two years to September 2016, and the 980,000-square-foot office tower now blocks out much of its taller sibling to the west from vantage points to the east. Designed by KPMB Architects with architects of record Adamson Associates Architects and heritage specialists ERA Architects doing ground level work, the completed office tower now bears the signage of anchor tenant Deloitte, seen faintly in the image below, while KPMG's sign has disappeared from this side of the West Tower: the two rival firms, occupying adjacent towers, agreed not to point their corporate logos at each other!

View of the Bay Adelaide Centre's east tower from Frederick and Adelaide, 2016, image by Jack Landau

A closer look at the tower's upper levels makes anchor tenant Deloitte's roof signage a little easier to see. We assume that come nighttime, lighting makes it obvious.

View of the Bay Adelaide Centre's east tower from Frederick and Adelaide, 2016, image by Jack Landau

We will return next week with another look at the changing face of Toronto!

Related Companies:  Adamson Associates Architects, entro, Entuitive, LRI Engineering Inc., Multiplex, Trillium Architectural Products, Walters Group, WZMH Architects