It’s the stuff of James Bond movies. It delivers lethally accurate imaging, has ultrasonic stability sensors and possesses artificial intelligence. Best of all, The Sky Guys are the first company in Canada to offer clients this state of the art mapping and inspection technology.

It’s SenseFly’s eXom drone and it’s the Rolls Royce (or should I say Aston Martin) of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) available on the market.   

eXom drone, image courtesy of The Sky Guys

For those unfamiliar with the capabilities of drone technology, the differences between your average UAV and the eXom drone would be like comparing a glider with a Cessna.   

What makes the Swiss-based eXom such a phenomenon amongst UAV aficionados? From the outset, it’s been designed to perform live, fully-automated, high resolution 2D mapping, 3D modelling of buildings, construction monitoring, agricultural and archaeological mapping using technology far superior to any other professional UAV on the market.  

While the eXom’s onboard navcams and ultrasonic sensors deliver real-time visual and proximity feedback, it’s the fine-tuning of the tech features that make the unit so cutting edge in today’s world of mapping and inspections. Features such as the eXom’s ability to fly fully autonomously and operate entirely with onboard vision via five ultrasonic proximity sensors that cover 360 degrees around the unit including left, right, underbelly, rear and inside, a forward/upward facing camera head to help stabilize its position.  

eXom drone, image courtesy of The Sky Guys

It’s this superior stability and 6x digital zoom that allows The Sky Guys to operate close enough to structures and surfaces to achieve on-demand 1 mm still image resolution at a surface distance of 5 metres and without the vibration or movement issues that can happen with a typical UAV when zooming in. So neither shaken, nor stirred!

Because the eXom was designed to operate in tight spaces, the lightweight unit is ideal for inspections of enclosed or awkward access sites such as bridges, towers or construction sites. Its expanded field of vision and ability to run efficiently and autonomously for long periods of time make it perfect for mapping agricultural and environmental landscapes as well as tracking the progress of large scale construction projects. 

Improved efficiencies to the eXom mean The Sky Guys can seamlessly switch between video, still and thermal imagery during the same flight, eliminating the need to land the unit to switch cameras. And when projects such as live inspections call for a more collaborative approach, the autonomous option can be replaced with a GPS-guided mapping or a live-streaming Interactive ScreenFly flight. 

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