Our weekly UrbanToronto newsletter has proven to be a huge success with thousands of subscribers, and it's still growing. It's a great way of keeping up to date on the GTA's hottest development, construction, architecture and infrastructure news. Now we're thrilled to offer an additional VIP newsletter for our readers. Unlike the existing weekly newsletter, which highlights UT's news and conversations from each week, the VIP Real Estate Newsletter will be sent out sporadically, offering exclusive insider real estate news about special limited-time offers, events, condominium launches, notices, and other news that we or our friends in the community want to share.

Condominium sales launch, image by Jack Landau

If you would like to sign up to our VIP real estate newsletter, please fill out this form and be sure to check the "VIP" box at the bottom. For those already subscribed to our existing weekly newsletter, you can sign up for the new VIP newsletter by opening one of our previous newsletters and changing your subscription settings to include the VIP option.