The Daniels Faculty of Architecture is set to continue its ongoing 'Fora' series with an upcoming lecture on Thursday, February 12th at the Isabel Bader Theatre, titled @home: Architecture Inside Out. Thursday's event will feature graphic novelist Richard McGuire and Danielle Aubert, co-creator of the book "Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies: Lafayette Park, Detroit". Both will be discussing how architecture plays into our everyday lives, serving not just as a setting, but also as the narrative subject of urban life.

Richard McGuire (L) and Danielle Aubert (R), image by Charles Roussel

Richard McGuire contributes regularly to The New Yorker, with work also published in The New York Times, McSweeney’s, Le Monde, and Libération. He has written for and directed two omnibus feature films and has also designed and manufactured a line of toys, as well as being a founding member and bass player of the no-wave band Liquid Liquid. Richard is perhaps best known for his influential six-page comic 'Here', which appeared in two 1989 issues of Raw magazine. The comic's far reaching influence continues to have a lasting effect over a quarter century after being published.

Danielle Aubert, along with Lana Cavar and Natasha Chandani, run a graphic collaborative design group called Placement based in New York and Zagreb, Croatia. Their first project, Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies, discusses Lafayette Park in Detroit, Michigan. Selected by the AIGA as one of the 50 best book designs of 2012, the book was lauded by architecture historian and philanthropist Phyllis Lambert as "a superb field guide" to the neighbourhood. Danielle Aubert and Placement are currently working on their second book project, focusing on the infamous Holiday Inn hotel in Sarajevo, which was instrumental during the mid-1990s Siege of Sarajevo.

@home: Architecture Inside Out will take place on Thursday, February 12, from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the Isabel Bader Theatre, located at 93 Charles Street West. The discussion will be moderated by Richard Sommer, Dean and Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, and Professor Robert Levit, Director of the Master of Architecture program at the Daniels Faculty.

'HERE' by Richard McGuire, and 'Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies: Lafayette Park, Detroit' co-written by Danielle Aubert, will both be sold in the front lobby. You can get tickets to the event by following this link.