There's some obvious big news happening in the City of Toronto right now, and you'd have to be in a coma to avoid it. While the UrbanToronto editorial on our home page continues to be focused on what we do best—new development, condos, architecture, infrastructure, etc.—we are not immune to the goings on at City Hall. 

Toronto City Hall, image courtesy of Jack LandauToronto City Hall, image courtesy of Jack Landau

For those of you who don't venture beyond our home page, you should be aware of significant action in our Forums, particularly the Toronto Issues section as of late. A thread entitled Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto has been a hotbed of discussion, with many of the recents revelations being tipped there first, so much so that has been hitting record traffic numbers in the last few days, both in the Forum and site-wide in general. 

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Record UrbanToronto Forum Traffic Numbers

With over a thousand readers online on average at any time during waking hours these days, we are hitting over 100,000 page views a day lately. A lot of great discussion on the Ford Scandal is taking place here including some interesting inside scoops. Check it out here and see for yourself. Of course, there's a whole swath of topics available to you in UrbanToronto's Forums, with nearly 20,000 threads available for you to peruse. Have fun!