Photos taken by courageous rooftoppers have become a recurring feature on UrbanToronto. The act of infiltrating a skyscraper and sharing the amazing views seen from the top can turn an urban explorer into a UT folk hero in an instant. Still images of our thriving city, amazing as they may be, often fail to properly exhibit the intense pace of life in Toronto.   

Still capture from Javin Lau's 'Toronto is My Home', image by Javin Lau

The frenetic activity seen from above the downtown core is best captured through time-lapse photography.  Photographer and urban explorer Javin Lau shot hundreds of still photos in sequence, before converting each photo to an individual video frame. Once played at a normal frame rate (i.e., 24 frames per second), the dramatic results are almost indescribable with words. For those of you at work right now, I think it might be time for your break!

With such an impressive and fresh take on Toronto’s cityscape, we have a pretty good feeling that this isn’t the last we hear from the talented Javin Lau. In the meantime, Javin’s work can be found on his recently created Tumblr page, linked here.