Punching a hole in the Gardiner; City takes advice on balancing budget; Ford on vacation; the fate of Downsview Park + more.

‘High risk’ that a heavy truck could ‘punch through’ thinning Gardner Expressway, report warns (National Post)

‘You’re not going to make everyone happy:’ Toronto’s budget committee takes input on how to balance budget (National Post)

Bill Blair not sure exactly where the money will come from to have ‘flat’ police budget (National Post)

Rob Ford takes a vacation (National Post)

Three more Ontario school boards face teacher walk-outs (Globe and Mail)

Toronto’s Bridgepoint Hospital weaves healing into its design (Globe and Mail)

Residents shocked by uranium facility that has been hiding in plain sight (Globe and Mail)

The uncertain fate of Toronto's Downsview Park (Globe and Mail)

Our love-hate relationship with the Gardiner Expressway (Toronto Star)

The Fixer: A tale of toppled utility poles (Toronto Star)