UrbanToronto has partnered with Heritage Toronto to capture a moment in Toronto's past. On a weekly basis, we will both be highlighting a historic photo of the city's people, places and events, and will be telling the stories behind them. Many thanks to both Gary Switzer of MOD Developements and Derek Boles for putting together the photos and research.

This week's photo:

Crowds with soldiers goodbye as they leave Union Station.

This image from World War I shows loved ones seeing off members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force possibly traveling to the military training camp at Camp Borden near Barrie or Valcartier near Quebec City before being shipped overseas. Of the approximately 60,000 Torontonians who fought in the Great War, 10,000 were killed and 20,000 wounded. This view is looking north along Front Street, with the old Great Western Station behind the train. The Grand Trunk Pacific was a subsidiary of the Grand Trunk operating between Winnipeg and the Pacific coast. Colonist cars were built to carry immigrants from ocean ports to Canada's interior.

Courtesy of our partnership with Heritage Toronto.
