Toronto's 22-hour council meeting ends with one message: don't cut, stench causes Victoria Park subway station evacuation, that time Toronto filled in the harbour and more.

Toronto’s 22-hour council meeting ends with one message: don’t cut (Globe & Mail)

John Tory and Julia Deans on Civic Action Summit recommendations (Globe & Mail)

Raucous Toronto marathon was longest continuous council meeting ever (Toronto Star)

Stench causes Victoria Park subway station evacuation (Toronto Star)

Hume: In Rob Ford’s Toronto, less will be more (Toronto Star)

Put plan to call arena Maple Leaf Gardens on ice, Ryerson told (Toronto Star)

They came in the hundreds: City Hall meeting swamped with talk on budget cuts (National Post)

MLSE taking Ryerson to court over Maple Leaf Gardens (National Post)

That time Toronto filled in the harbour (blogTO)

Mammoliti on Atwood and the democratic process (blogTO)

Torontonians at City Hall: Liveblogging the Executive Committee Budget Cut Meeting (Torontoist)