A 55 metre wide mural depicting Toronto history, which has graced the Front Street facade of the Toronto Sun building since 1993, is history. Owners First Gulf are removing the wall of the former printing plant at the south side of the building so that the space behind it can be repurposed as part of their redevelopment plans.

Goodbye Mural; image by Edward SkiraGoodbye Mural; image by Edward Skira

Goodbye Mural; image by Edward SkiraGoodbye Mural; image by Edward Skira

Goodbye Mural; image by Edward SkiraGoodbye Mural; image by Edward Skira

The mural, "History as Theatre, 200 Toronto Years", by Toronto artist John Hood, was commissioned to celebrate the bicentennial of the founding of the Town of York in 1793. It depicted Toronto from First Nations time until recent time in thirty-two vignettes.

The mural as it was, courtesy of http://www.lostrivers.ca/points/yorkhotsun.htmThe mural as it was, courtesy of http://www.lostrivers.ca/points/yorkhotsun.htm

You can see more of the mural here.

While we are for the enlivening of this stretch of Front Street with reinvestment and working buildings, it seems to be coming at a painfully high cost.