Then: 374 Huron Street, June 26, 1933 — 78 years ago this month. I was wondering if I should even post this, as it might seem a bit banal. This is the utterly unchanged residential block across the street from the University of Toronto's Robarts Library. When I came across this picture, I remembered when I was young thinking [no I wasn't around in 1933  :)  ] how it would be nice if I could live in this area. It was and is close to everything that I continue to find appealing: Chinatown, the Bloor West strip, Yorkville, the hub-bub of students, etc.

There is a sign in the window of the leftmost house in the Then picture: "Rooms To Let." Some things in this neighbourhood never change. It's interesting to reflect for a moment that a 20-year-old U of T student in 1933 would be 98 today.
