As the new Shangri-La Hotel and Condominium Residences hovers around the halfway point in terms of its final height, the high profile project on University Avenue is becoming easier and easier to spot from around the city. It doesn't hurt that the movable weather wall high atop the building is hot pink (and some people will tell you they are already anticipating the loss of this high-altitude shock of colour once the tower is completed!). Currently it means that many cameras are being aimed at this construction site, so today we have some of the best of the most recent images by UrbanToronto members, and some higher-res renderings than we have brought you in the past.

All renderings courtesy of Westbank

The above, of course, is how the building will look when complete. The 65-storey structure is designed by James Cheng of Vancouver with Hariri Pontarini of Toronto for developer

More renderings will follow below, but first, here is how a number of UrbanToronto photographers have seen Shangri-La over the last week: From the St. Andrews Club:


From the southwest:

Red Mars

From the Ritz-Carlton:

Craig White

From the Ritz-Carlton:

Craig White

From Metro Square:

Redroom Studios

So, time for the high-res renderings:

Much more is come to regarding Shangri-La in the coming weeks! What do you think of this project? Leave a comment here, or click the link in the dataBase box below to join in the discussion in UrbanToronto's thread for the project.

Related Companies:  Hariri Pontarini Architects