Victory Condos, a 12-storey development designed by Wallman Architects and situated on King Street west of Spadina Avenue, was topped off in November 2010. The BLVD and Lifetime Developments project folds around renovated heritage office buildings as it creates a strong street wall, and replaces surface parking lots. Photos taken by UrbanToronto member Jasonzed from the CN Tower put the project in context.

Victory Condos on King Street west of Spadina. Photo by Jasonzed.

Victory Condos. Photo by Jasonzed.

Wallman's design covers Victory's lower floors with horizontally banded windows between brick parapets which tie the building to King Street's vernacular. Above the seventh-floor setback, Victory's windows go floor-to-ceiling.

Streetscape rendering of Victory Condos.

UrbanToronto members 400WellingtonGuy and urbandreamer have joined Jasonzed in shooting the development over the last two weeks, revealing Victory's unique shape from several angles. A view from the southwest across King Street:

Looking upward at Victory Condos. Photo by Jasonzed.

View from the west. Photo by 400WellingtonGuy.

This view is from the south over Wellington Street construction.

View from the south. Photo by Jasonzed.

This shot of the east side of the project from across Spadina Avenue is possible because of another remaining surface parking lot adjacent to Victory.

Victory Condos as seen from the east on Spadina. Photo by urbandreamer.

The north side of Victory will feature a courtyard, an open space between the existing Quad Lofts condominiums.

Promotional rendering for Victory Condos.

One of the Quad Lofts buildings can be seen to the left in the image below, with Victory's north facade taking centre-stage.

Victory Condos with a Quad Loft. Photo by Jasonzed.

A final shot of Victory.

Victory Condos from a sidestreet. Photo by Jasonzed.

Victory Condos on King Street west of Spadina. Photo by Jasonzed.

We really like Victory's massing and efficient use of ground space, making best use of an oddly shaped lot. We look forward to the building's completion during 2011, and are curious to see which businesses will set up in the ground floor retail space. Urbane King Street West will only increase in its urbanity with this clever project. To see more of Victory condos, visit UrbanToronto's thread at the link below.

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