Toronto Lower Garrison Creek Park | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto


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Jan 13, 2008
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St Lawrence Market Area
This tender call is posted on City webste:

Commodity: Professional Services, Architectural Services
Description: Mouth-of-the-Creek park, design and construction management
For all professional and technical services for the design and construction of the Mouth of the Creek Park, within the Fort York National Historic Site.

The scope of work shall include but not be limited to the following:

The Mouth of the Creek site is a unique cultural landscape that bridges the founding of the City of Toronto with contemporary city building within the City Place Neighbourhood. It also functions as an important open space transition between the Fort York and City Place. It is expected that the site design will emphasize the site's cultural and heritage importance, integrated with neighbourhood open space and programming.

The park design will need to address the following design components / challenges:

• Providing park amenities and park programming based on neighbourhood priorities,

• Provide clear, safe and accessible pedestrian circulation into the design for the park incorporating the land under the Bathurst Street Bridge, and physical connectivity to Fort York and additional connections to Fort York Boulevard and Northern Linear Park,

• Integrating the park design requirements with the Bathurst Bridge design to achieve the best possible conditions for peoples' use and enjoyment of the park. The lands under the bridge between the Mouth of the Creek Park and Fort York present a significant challenge with respect to surveillance, views, safety, access, ceiling height and sustaining plant growing conditions,

• Capitalizing on the views that will be available into the park from the Bathurst Street Bridge, the Library, adjacent development, and west towards Fort York,

• Addressing the physical presence of the bridge lands while providing access and maintenance easements required for the Bathurst Street Bridge,

• Interpret and commemorate the archaeological history of the site in an informative, meaningful, engaging manner.

• Identify opportunities for complementary programming with Fort York

• Interface of site with the CN Railway corridor
Detailed presentation highlighting the future plans for this park. The site is situated on the plot of land also featuring the Library District development and public library. Remainder of the site includes a parcel for a future TCHC building.

That was a truly informative and enjoyable read. The precedent's for parks are pretty awesome. If only we could get close to those!
Just a note to the mods... this project is being led by a landscape architecture firm called Public Work. ERA is a sub-consultant.
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Amazing. Love the history and maps. Was just there over the weekend for the Battle of York Celebrations. Thanks a lot for link to the presentation, AlbertC!
Trees and brush have been cleared under the bridge to the southwest side. This may have just been an eviction notice to the homeless tent community that was living down there but maybe it is progress.
The Fort York magazine Fife & Drum in December 2015 says:

Although we will remain surrounded by the Gardiner Expressway deck reconstruction for most, if not all, of 2016, we will continue to work away on our own site improvements. Landscape work on Garrison Common, including new lighting and the reconstruction of Garrison Road itself, will be finished in the spring of 2016. By mid 2017 we should see completion of many of the major landscape projects, including the Liquid Landscape in front of the Visitor Centre. Although contingent upon an additional $400k to be raised by the Fort York Foundation, a $200k grant from the Canada 150 Fund was recently received for the completion of this work. The Fort York Foundation has already raised a portion of this funding but continues to move towards the target (please visit www.
