Toronto The Florian | ?m | 25s | Mirabella Dev Corp | Hariri Pontarini

8 November 2009 photo update

Another crane set to rise:

Finally a push to market this one. Full 2 page spread in the Globe and Mail business section today.

It will be an ok, middle-of-the-road kinda building which I feel is a failure given the interesting dimensions and shape of the site.
Perhaps it is not a 2nd phase per se but it's a midrise and, as far as I can remember, is completely separate from the tower via a driveway and is planned for the site of the sales office. I haven't been in the area in forever and neither can I remember the siteplan. (if it wraps around Domus or if Domus extends to Davenport)
Hi Hyfen,

One basement level often looks much like another - however in the first photo, two levels of tie-back are visible, while in the last photo, only one level of tie-back can be seen. At least one more level of the basement has been completed between the two pictures. The site looks to be making good progress in coming up to grade.

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