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Toronto as seen by New York Real Estate


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Jul 18, 2007
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Toronto transformation under way
Hotelier Pomeranc among New York developers active in building boom
By Dorn Townsend

Prices at the Trump project are between $650 and $850 a square foot.
New York City has numerous Chinatowns, and more than one Little Italy, but residents might be surprised to know that its largest legal international segment is actually Canadian. Nearly a quarter million Canadians live and work within the city; by and large, they are professionals, youngish and urban-minded.

Canadian observers attribute this brain drain to the U.S. to a quest for higher wages, cultural excitement and the feeling of being in the center of the world. Any New Yorker with a Canadian friend can tell you, however, that another pay-off for these migrants is the density and variety of the built environment found in New York.

Commonly, these expats are dissatisfied with those qualities in Toronto, Canada's premier city and a logical magnet for its upwardly mobile. For years, Toronto developers, shaping one of the fastest-growing metropolises in the West, have fostered sprawl, cookie-cutterness and sheer man-made ugliness, according to some observers.

An everyday complaint is encapsulated in this recent observation in Toronto's National Post by a native returning home after exposure to civilities abroad: "The gleaming new towers appeared banal ... it was depressing to attempt to find reasons to stay married to my urban partner of 33 years."

Still, for all the native's deprecations of their city's ungainliness, something transformative is happening in Toronto. Sprawl is getting checked. Downtown, in particular, is building upward -- and in a big way. While New Yorkers tend to think that theirs is the Skyscraper City, recently Toronto homebuilders have surpassed Gotham in their ratio of multi-unit to single-unit construction.

The numbers for 2006 (from the U.S. Census and a Canadian Conference Board study) tell the story. In metro New York, an area with 18.1 million people, some 29,000 out of 60,000 housing permits were issued for condos. For metro Toronto, a region with a third of the residents, the condo numbers are nearly the same, and the proportion is higher -- 25,000 out of 40,000. Buoyed by immigration, Toronto is growing at twice New York's speed.

Further patterns have been identified by Emporis, a German research firm that monitors worldwide construction. In New York, 430 high rises are going up, approved or proposed. Meanwhile, in smaller Toronto, the pace is more intensive: 330 are in the works. In the roughly two-mile by four-mile rectangle that comprises the downtown core, over 50 skyscrapers are climbing up; many are above 50 floors, replicating the feel and scale of midtown Manhattan.

Significantly, New York developers are getting in on the action in Toronto. Several are partnering with local developers to create hotel-condo combinations.

No surprise that Donald Trump is one of those New Yorkers, with a part-hotel, part-condo tower going up on Bay Street, Toronto's answer to Wall Street.

He also has stiff competition. Super-tall hotel/condo projects by Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons and Shangri-La are going up nearby. As a result, Trump had to lop off 13 floors from his original design -- although the height is the same, and more units were added. Prices at the Trump tower are going for between $650 and $850 a square foot; the penthouse was recently bought by the city's youngest billionaire for about $20 million.

Another New Yorker is helping to create a newly dense neighborhood outside of Toronto's core.

Jason Pomeranc's firm, Thompson Hotels, is partnering with Freed Development on a 15-floor hotel-condo project. Prices range between $190,000 for a studio to $1.5 million for a penthouse, or about $400 and $600 per square foot.

To be sure, developers from all over the world are active in Toronto. They are drawn by an economy where housing starts have ballooned by over 19 percent and median home prices are up nearly 15 percent, all in the past year. Bazis International, a firm from Kazakhstan, is adding to the momentum with plans to build the city's tallest residential tower: 80 floors in the midtown area.

On former rail yards between the lakefront and the CN Tower, Concord Pacific, a Hong Kong company, is midway through erecting a cluster of condos with about 8,000 units in 20 towers, each ranging from 20 to 40 floors.

Douglas Coupland, the Canadian author of the novel "Generation X," is designing a small park between these buildings. Funds for that park, and for numerous public sculptures, come from impact fees levied by the city on developers.

The sum effect, however welcome for its grace notes, is small. Unlike New York's core, Toronto's midtown and downtown have to get by without busy public squares, plentiful green space or lengthy bicycle paths.

As in New York, many of the high-rise structures are being placed along subway and streetcar routes. Even more development may be sparked by the provincial government's commitment to spend $17.5 billion on improvements and expansion of the city's rapid transit.

While it is planned as one of the largest infrastructure projects on the continent, some major developers still anticipate considerable gridlock. They are disappointed because unlike New York, where express subway lines propel commuters to hubs of neighborhoods, Toronto's lack of similarly fast subway routes makes for commutes as much as three times longer than comparable distances in Manhattan.

What's afoot, then, is a major intensification; today's inner city will differ markedly three years from now. Looming above all this is an open question: Will the new Toronto be attractive enough to retain those ambitiously seeking a truly liveable place?
All those apparently dissatisfied Torontonians working in New York are no doubt even more dissatisfied these days if they're not being paid in Canadian dollars.
I don't know how many Canadians are in Chicago, but I keep running into them repeatedly, everywhere I go. One might be able to write a similar article for that city as was written for New York. And you might throw in a few other American cities besides.
"The sum effect, however welcome for its grace notes, is small. Unlike New York's core, Toronto's midtown and downtown have to get by without busy public squares, plentiful green space or lengthy bicycle paths."

I don't like to get bogged down in city versus city debates but isn't this a little over critical or perhaps too self-congratulatory? I mean the implications is that New York is lush with public amenities and greenery and bike culture. I can assure the author that this was not my impression.
The green space and lengthy bike paths can be found at the islands. There are scattered parks all over downtown, including Queen's Park. And there are two major squares which tend to have a lot of pedestrians. But if it doesn't mirror what New York looks like, it has to be subpar. This isn't about whether it's better here or there, this is a response to a statement that says that we have to live without it here.
TrickyRicky- New York does have its parks. Central Park is the obvious example of a first rate urban park.
"Nearly a quarter million Canadians live and work within the city; by and large, they are professionals, youngish and urban-minded."

I find this hard to believe. I always though Los Angeles was the most Canadian US city, yet only 13,859 people were actually born in Canada. Even if my assumptions were incorrect, 250,000 still seems like alot, especially when Canadians are not even in the top 10 largest immigrant groups of NYC (don't think any nationality even has 250,000). Of course, I suppose they could be counted as international residents, but that number still seems vastly inflated.
My quibble is that Toronto is not laid out like Manhattan, so some of these quick comparisons don't quite fit. For example:

There is a relatively large park - High Park - west of downtown. If you plunked it north of downtown it be roughly where Upper Canada College is. That would be a walk of about an hour from Front Street. If you are in lower Manhattan, Central Park is about an hour's walk or so north. If one is focussing on the south-north routes of downtown to midtown, this could be missed.

Commonly, these expats are dissatisfied with those qualities in Toronto, Canada's premier city and a logical magnet for its upwardly mobile. For years, Toronto developers, shaping one of the fastest-growing metropolises in the West, have fostered sprawl, cookie-cutterness and sheer man-made ugliness, according to some observers.

An everyday complaint is encapsulated in this recent observation in Toronto's National Post by a native returning home after exposure to civilities abroad: "The gleaming new towers appeared banal ... it was depressing to attempt to find reasons to stay married to my urban partner of 33 years."

"...according to some observers."

This article relies on so-called weasel words. With these, you can justify anything. It's done commonly in conversation, but in a formal article, it's unprofessional.

New York is not a place where one can expect a pleasant visit. The people are rude, according to many.
Yeah....I'm glad that Toronto development is getting attention in New York, but that piece is a bit...snide. Quite unnecessarily so.

I wasn't aware Manhattan was so noted for its "plentiful green space and lengthy bike paths." The story makes it sound like Portland or something.
The article's right though, this town just isn't livable; what's a boy to do but sit around and write on this forum?

...and on that note it's time to break for a crazy weekend of fun in the city! Catch you all in a couple of days again after dinner, movie & drinks tonight, Bloor West Home Reno tour to raise money for the Cancer Society tomorrow morning and afternoon, Theatre Gargantua at Harbourfront Saturday evening, The Royal Winter Fair on Sunday afternoon and some fun at Clinton's on Sunday evening. In your face Dorn Townsend! Cheers!

Check out Lindsay Lozon's beefcake My Boys photos at the O'Connor if you get the chance. It opened last night - several of the models were there, and I noticed the Smitherpersons too - and there's a Boys book, natch.

It was either that or the Karim Rashid opening at OCAD - the big pink and white dude himself was there - but I'm sure I made the right choice.
