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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Hands would be fine, but we should avoid colouring them red because of association with the Red Hand of Ulster and Irish loyalism/The Troubles.
That was my immediate thought. Especially as it was the Orange Order that ran this place until the 1950s.

Yeah, I looked up the historical references afterwards and saw that.
I guess they could be hands of any/all colours, since that is what Toronto is. People could make their own base on what material they have around.
Perhaps the coat of arms could be included on them.
I love the sidewalk chalk idea!
And the pots/pans idea.
The most important thing I think, is to start something. Things will happen in an organic way. People really seem want to express themselves about this.
No matter what, Ford has indeed brought people together in Toronto, in opposition to him.
Knowing full well that there is no way to end Mr. Ford's reign as mayor of our fair city, and that his vote is only 1 of 45 (as we are constantly reminded) why do you people keep getting your collective knickers in a knot over an unresolvable situation. Just sit back, relax, enjoy the show and prepare for the next election.

Childish demonstrations like John Clarke's crowd and “Occupy whatever†gathered at NPS to stamp your feet in petulant tantrums proves that you have no solutions, only complaints and are guaranteed to earn not the support but the scorn of the thinking public.
Toronto can't afford to be apathetic towards the Mayor's behavior any longer. We need to show our dissatisfaction, even if it leads to zero action from mayor Ford.
Mayor Rob Ford's approval rating ticks upward with news of crack video ~ Toronto Star

What's bizzare is that the same poll showed that 60% of people wants his resignation. Its as if you either approve of the mayor or want him out of office ASAP.

I'd like to see a new poll this week now that the dust has settled.
I've always looked at Holyday and Nunziata as serving as RoFo's watchful yet protective "mom & dad" figures at City Hall--and with Kelly, right now, serving as a stepfather or cross-town uncle figure. Which explains their "softness" against apparent common sense.

Yeah, the core hangers-on will be DoFo, Nunziata, Li Preti, Kelly, Crawford and Crisanti.
Mayor Rob Ford's approval rating ticks upward with news of crack video ~ Toronto Star
Is that the poll they did the evening of Halloween?

I'd like to know who was home answering their phones for that poll ... between those dealing with kids, trick-or-treaters, or hiding away from home somewhere to avoid the whole thing ... I'm not sure it was a representative sample.
Yeah, the core hangers-on will be DoFo, Nunziata, Li Preti, Kelly, Crawford and Crisanti.

Li Preti? (Well, were he still around, more likely him than the guy who defeated him.)

Anyway, given the number of people who only *now* listened to the Rob & Doug show for the first time, I wonder how many "tinpot epiphanies" were awakened. Like, they kept *hearing* and *hearing* about the show; but now that they've listened, they've come to realize how much this Ford Edsel, or worse, a Homer...
Childish demonstrations like John Clarke's crowd and “Occupy whatever” gathered at NPS to stamp your feet in petulant tantrums proves that you have no solutions, only complaints and are guaranteed to earn not the support but the scorn of the thinking public.
Not much sign of a thinking public when 35% of the population is so easily manipulated by these shameless liars. I would like to add that you, spider, seem to be a special breed of fool, with your fanciful inventions of the ways photos or videos of Ford were faked by his opposition and those "starving artists". Please save us from any public where you are a thoughtful member.

Rather than organizing large protests, I'd prefer people go after members of the executive demanding they resign from that body. Let them know that they'll be held responsible for supporting a man aligned with criminals. Target the enablers. Ford himself is immune to any protest.

But if you want to have fun with a small scale one, here's an idea: Get a buddy and a football. Paint "RESIGN" and "LIAR" or similar statements on the football. Go toss it back and forth in NPS in front of Ford's office. I had to leave Toronto a couple months ago because I couldn't find an affordable place to live, or I'd go do it myself. I like to play catch.

(Edit: Begin with the football because that has a tie to Ford, but not everyone is comfortable tossing footballs around. You could also get a few big cheap round kid's balls from the ToysRUS or the Dollarstore and paint "DRUG ADDICT", "CRIMINAL", "CRACKHEAD", "LOWLIFE FRIENDS", "GET HELP", "DRUNK DRIVER" and similar and let anyone passing through the square bat them around. The chalk tribute happened because someone thought to bring chalk and leave it for others.)
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I do not understand why Ford is calling on the police to release the tape. Does he actually believe its not him, perhaps because he does not remember (alcohol and drugs will do that). He really sounds like he is sure he will be proven innocent (the video will not be of him). I am really puzzled with his plea. Or its because he knows the police cannot release it and the trail will happen in 2014 and he probably thinks after the election where he will be elected so he is not concerned.

I can't think of any mayor who dares to call himself the best of all times. This is megalomania along the lines of Kim Il Sung and Enver Hoxha.

Full quote:

"I don’t want to be conceited and I don’t want to toot my own horn. But I believe when it comes to my fiscal policy, I am by far the best mayor the city has ever had."

He didn't want to - and proceeded immediately to do so.


Yeah, really. Try to imagine any other politician talking like that. The self-aggrandizement is insane.
A collection of funny tweets from today from @TOMayorFrod (parody account)

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 2h
Congratulations Denis Coderre for being elected mayor of #Montreal, which is a great stepping stone to incarceration. See you there! #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 3h
Thanks again for your support today, folks. I'm back at work first thing in the afternoon like I always am. #ContemptforTaxpayers #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 8h
I'm not an addict of any kind of drugs. Technically, I'm what is known as a "binge user". #Ford640 #Toronto #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
You can stay tuned to @newstalk1010 for a show hosted by Mark @towhey despite my attempt to have him fired. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Thanks for listening, #Toronto! Doug & I will return to @newstalk1010 next week, depending on Justice Ian Nordheimer. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
A special apology to @robyndoolittle for not having time to take her call, but you know I'm always available for you. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Again, I apologize to my family, colleagues & people of #Toronto for the mistakes I've made that have come to light. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Paul asks us why there's 5-6 guys planting a tree in #Toronto. If I'm re-elected, we won't have any more trees. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
A caller compares me to JFK, aside from the charisma, courage, erudition and honesty. We're both good-looking though. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Alex asks me what drugs I've ingested through a glass pipe. But it could be anything, I haven't seen the video. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Elaine says I display a new kind of progressive leadership so ordinary crack-smoking drunks can identify with me. #Ford1010 #TOpoli
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Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Farley asks how I measure up to past mayors who've never faced scandals like these. I'm glad I've raised the bar. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Ivana thinks I've been doing a great job. I'm thankful for the credulity of supporters like her, it keeps me going. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Doug reminds that I don't come in to work half-corked every day. I wait until the afternoon when I've sobered up a bit. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Chris is a comedian in #Toronto. He asks exactly what I'm apologizing for. Because I've been great for business. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Roger wonders what we should tell our children about aspiring to public service. A DUI conviction is a good start. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Cam, who supported me, works for the city. He disagrees with Chief Blair's comments. Enjoy your pay raise, Cam. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Doug says he's not an enabler, he often comes over to my house and beats on me. It's a family tradition. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 9h
Caller Katherine gently asks me to take a medical leave, and for Doug to stop being an enabler. Obviously senile dementia. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
We're hiring at least 100 police officers, none of whom will be assigned to Etobicoke. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
The @TorontoPolice should not be wasting taxpayer dollars on investigating criminal activity when they see it. #Ford1010 #Toronto #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
Doug points out I get a lot of support from the ethnic community, because they're just fucking minorities. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
As Doug says, I'm not going to get hammered in public again. I'm going to keep it in private from now on. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
We're going to be taking calls in the second half of the program. Call 416-872-1010 & say your name is Dave. Or Ian. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
Doug says #Toronto needs me at city hall to make sure we don't waste money on parkland or affordable housing. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
In my 2nd term we'll improve #Toronto's flood systems. I want to be known as the "drainage mayor". #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 10h
I'm getting a driver, who will not only be driving me but also "working". I won't say who, but I have someone in mind. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 11h
I sincerely apologize to my colleagues, citizens, taxpayers, and my family for the appalling behaviour of the police. #Ford1010 #TOpoli

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 11h
Chief Blair, I ask you to release this video now, so people of #Toronto can judge for themselves. Not the 2nd one though. #Ford1010

Mayor Rob Frod ‏@TOMayorFrod 13h
Let's put these sex video rumours to rest: I haven't been able to have sex for years, due to all the drugs. #secondvideo #Toronto #TOpoli
I am not a supporter of Ford. He hasn't done anything to improve the city. He makes these half assed announcements for transit or development schemes without knowledge, guidance or research. He is a poor representative for this city. He has addiction problems and is not fit to be mayor of this city. Yet, he was democratically elected to office by the citizens of this city. He has never been charged with, drunk driving or any crime while in office. I never doubted the tape was real, not for a moment and none of my posts ever indicated such. Some members of city council have worked against him at every opportunity, not because the issue at hand but because they would rather not support anything he is in favour of.

I selected the Baloch executions because I searched "political prisoners executed" in google news and it was top of the page. I used the provincial Liberal's as an example because I am surprised at the lack of outrage at that scandal. I can't think of anything comparable done by the Federal conservatives that would warrant protests on the street. If you have something they have done worth protesting, go for it. It's likely worse than one man's personal addiction problems.

Protesting at his personal residence should be off limits. You want to hurt his children? don't put the blame on him. Your actions are intended to shame an individual without regard to innocent children. Nice...I don't have a lot of respect for your position.
Rob Ford getting arrested would be hard on his children, too. Should the police drop their case because of this?
No he will argue that, wait he suddenly remembers, that whatever he was smoking in the pipe was not crack. But highly doubtful TPS would put themselves in a position of claiming evidence that turns out to be false.
The Rob Ford story on San Jose local news station CBS, 7 minutes into the 6 p.m. broadcast. We are a laughing stock.

In the international news, the real story always seems to be the fact that a Mayor like Ford still has the support of some of the people. That's the main thing that's making Toronto look ridiculous.
They've also coordinated on safety strategies and campaigns before. I believe that some of the safety advisories on the TTC were designed by MTA and vice versa.

The meeting that MTA canceled with the TTC may have had something to do with the order of articulated trains they're considering.

The TTC and MTA collaborate closely on things like standards both expect for their massive bus fleet orders. (There's a reason why Orion sold so many buses to MTA and TTC, and not because its plants were in Ontario and New York State).
In the international news, the real story always seems to be the fact that a Mayor like Ford still has the support of some of the people. That's the main thing that's making Toronto look ridiculous.

We went from being Toronto, the Good to Toronto, the Dumb and Ignorant. In the coming weeks and months, that image will be re-enforced on national news broadcasts around the world as Ford stubbornly continues his political death spiral. Kudos to us!
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