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May 1, 2007
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Here's an interesting tidbit:

"Next year will be the biggest so far in Sybil Wa's career. At age 32, young by architectural standards, she's been assigned to the team designing the new $17 million Ronald McDonald House.

Located near the corner of McCaul and College Sts, the facility will have room for 80 families - the mothers, fathers and siblings of kids being treated for serious illness in Toronto hospitals.
Their stays vary from days to more than a year..."

Christopher Hume, Toronto Star, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2007, page A11.

I wonder if the site is the south-west corner, presently occupied by an old Salvation Army building.

I thought 32 was young by any standard :p. Will this be a completely new building?
i went to grade school with Sybil Wa.didnt know she went on to become an architect.
Encouraging news - that corner isn't exactly the most pleasant in its current state, so anything that will imporve the site is welcome!
Last week I noticed scaffolding up, around the fairly large building on the south east corner - I think they've been cleaning the exterior. Perhaps this $17 million project is a reno?
Good to see that Morse Code lives on, I thought it was becoming a lost art.

Shocker, I assume you are referring to the big old warehouse on the east side of McCaul, beginning a little south of College. It's addressed as 255 McCaul Street. This building was purchased by the University of Toronto three or four years ago, from the Toronto school board, along with the former school board headquarters on College. The university is renovating it to serve as classroom space. I can't really see it becoming a Ronald McDonald house.

I can't really see the Salvation Army property being used for the purpose either, as it's pretty small, although I might be wrong on that.

I am trying to figure out where this project will be. Nothing comes readily to mind. Anyone have any insight?
U of T bought the old Toronto School Board building on the south-east corner, which included a derelict parking garage on the west side of McCaul (since torn down and replaced with a surface parking lot).

(The Toronto District School Board HQ is now at 5050 Yonge Street, on the south side of Mel Lastman Square.)

By the way, I found this reference to the new building on page 4 of the 2007 Toronto Ronald McDonald House Annual Report.

"...I would like to recognize the contribution of our Real Estate Committee. Thanks to their diligent efforts, we are now planning for a new House that will ultimately accommodate 80 families! With a conditional offer on property now in place, preliminary design work has been a top priority so that
we can start to work through the municipal planning process..."
That's the third RMH in the past 15 years. The first was on Dundas (across from the AGO) and the the one next to WCTU/Covenant House on Gerrard. I wonder what will become of the current location?
i walked by this lot the other day. it has been fenced off and a contractor's trailer is on the site. hopefully this means ground will be broken soon.
