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Ratepayers envision new Lakeview

By: John Stewart

February 19, 2008 01:55 PM -

Instead of just imagining the wonderful things that could be done with the 500-acre Lakeview Generating Station property in their community, the area's ratepayers have put the vast potential of the property into a stunning vision they will present to City councillors next week.

That vision uses computer modelling to show the possibility of dropping the Distillery District, the parkland at the forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers in Winnipeg, the Chicago Bears football stadium, Exhibition Place and Ontario Place, Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco or the University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) campus onto the Lakeview property.

The residents believe that the "blank canvas" of the former power plant lands, one of the few giant undeveloped pieces of land anywhere in the GTA, offers a dizzying array of possible scenarios that can meet the Ontario government's requirements for higher-density development, prevent a wall of condominiums on the north side of Lakeshore Rd. E. from blocking historic local neighbourhoods from the lake, create a stunning mainstreet promenade along Lakeshore and provide for major destination attractions such as a baseball or football stadium — all at the same time.

"This could be the poster child for the province's smart growth strategy," says John Danahy, a professor of architecture and landscape design at the University of Toronto who, with the help of many of his students, has helped create the document the Lakeview Ratepayers' Association calls the "Lakeview Legacy Project."

A Lakeview resident since 1984, Danahy believes the site of the former coal-fired generating station can become a model community for transit-friendly green living with the extension of light rapid transit (LRT) along Lakeshore Rd. and development of its own commercial core to create live-work opportunities that significantly reduce car travel and resulting emissions.

Ratepayer president Jim Tovey, who was inspired to develop a grand redevelopment plan as far back as 1994, says the site can absorb 5 million square feet of residential development and take the pressure off established Mississauga communities battling intensification efforts.

The setbacks of about 200 ft. along the south side of Lakeshore offer the possibility of three lines of mature trees, with cycling paths and an LRT line.

By concentrating densities immediately south of Lakeshore Rd. (computer models have dropped double and triple the density of Port Credit into the space comfortably) the waterfront can be retained for significant public uses.

"It's amazing how the residents had the same consensus," Tovey said in an interview. "Everyone wanted to know how come it's called Lakeview but it doesn't really have the lake now. We want to put the lake back in Lakeview."

The presentation, scheduled to take place at the Feb. 27 council meeting, includes carefully-modelled financial estimates that predict the City will receive $30-$35 million annually in property tax from the plan.
I agree in part with most of this vision, though the reality of whether it will happen or not is another question. Lakeview is an area with loads of potential that needs someone to take some initative to help it to live up to what it can be. The 200 feet is over the line of excessive, but this plan overall leads into the right direction in a way. Especially with the current Lakeview District plan currently in development, this sort of way of thinking is getting better. After going to one of the session and the big thing being "nothing over 3 floors", I'm glad that some people aren't all stuck up on height
I'm floored.

Are these ratepayers members of the Urbantoronto forum?

The extension of the LRT line along Lakeshore would tie into an existing light rail line that is connected to an adjacent urban area (in this case New Toronto) and can hopefully link up with another adjacent urban area (Port Credit).

Knitting together the scraps of urban fabric that exist in the inner 905 should be the way this region can successfully urbanize. Contrast this with the MCC/SCC/VCC/Downtown Markham approach of trying to build a condotopia in a ragweed field beside a freeway.
Ratepayers envision new Lakeview


Can someone help? I know this is in Lakeview and this development is planned south of Lakeshore Road. And I see that there's this kind of abutment going to to the lake. I'm on Google Maps trying to be sure of the precise area.

Like the north/south roads that border this area.

Can anyone help?
Muse, the east side (closest to the bottom of the render) would start in line with Fergus Avenue. I would assume the west end would ironically be at East Avenue, as west of it are the type of stable residential neighbourhoods they want to protect.

this looks great! great to see the community getting involved in such a proactive way! Surely though, all this common sense will be ignored by the system...
The expressed plan to extend the LRT to Lakeview intrigues me. Although it is unclear from this article, I assume that the vision is to extend the street car from Long Branch to this neighbourhood. If this is the case, perhaps the vision could be expanded to link, seamlessly to the proposed Mississauga LRT along Hurontario.
I guess in when you have had an ugly and dirty coal power plant in your backyard all these years, a few high-rises don't seem so bad anymore.
I guess in when you have had an ugly and dirty coal power plant in your backyard all these years, a few high-rises don't seem so bad anymore.

Hey there, doady.

I recall that when I was researching Poverty in Peel that particular area (exactly in that pic) was "red" (meaning high risk level of poverty.

So I went over there the other day and don't understand how it got that label because I couldn't find a single house --just industrial.

Now across the road --north of Lakeshore. That I believe. And forgive me this question but --let's say you have ever-so-tiny old houses (smaller than even a small garage for a monster home). Many run down.

I bet should all that development be a Go to the south, the property upon which those old houses sit just leapt in price, correct?

And then you'd have a lot of people who can only afford to live in these kinds of accomodations looking at increased property taxes, right?

Like. A senior hoping to age in place living northside of Lakeshore road --what affect might such a mega-development have on them?

Seems to me that there's this ever-so-quiet movement afoot to rid Mississauga of low income people. I'm going back to the area to videotape those houses (Google maps are great but--nothing like on-the-ground research)

I'm reminded about what a senior (widower) said during a question period back in the 2006 municipal election about the double-edged sword of increased house values.

Well, personally, if I was a property owner, I would be very happy with skyrocketing land values because if I sold the land I would suddenly be rich. I would be happy that I had made a smart investment.

And if increasing property values were so bad, would that mean decreasing property values are good?

Some neighbourhoods change, for better or for worse, with or without government intervention. I dont' think the redevelopment of Lakeview is part of some "movement" to rid Mississauga of poor people. Mississauga has enough problems with poverty elsewhere and it will probably only get worse...
Well, personally, if I was a property owner, I would be very happy with skyrocketing land values because if I sold the land I would suddenly be rich. I would be happy that I had made a smart investment.

And if increasing property values were so bad, would that mean decreasing property values are good?

Some neighbourhoods change, for better or for worse, with or without government intervention. I dont' think the redevelopment of Lakeview is part of some "movement" to rid Mississauga of poor people. Mississauga has enough problems with poverty elsewhere and it will probably only get worse...

That last paragraph of yours. Oh THANKS for the cheery thought there, guy.

Thanks for answering doady. Not suggesting declining property values are great or that an area stagnates either. Great to have soaring property values if you intend to sell. I'm just wondering about that area because it feels like what my parents (80/85) are currently into. Same house since 1950's.

I suspect a nice jump once that tax freeze comes off. They also have monster houses sprouting about. I'm just wondering what happens to the elderly couple or the widow or widower nestled in something like a potential Lakeview redevelopment.

Better than having a power plant no question.

Then again they could look on the bright side and hope they die before their house is taxed out from under them...

Just wondering... I'll be at tomorrow's Council meeting so I'll get a better idea then, I suppose.

